Lab days with Frisk (Sans' and third perspective)

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(Third person perspective)

A few mornings Sans woke up only to find himself in a cold sweat. He jolts out of bed from his sleep and lands face first onto his bedroom floor, getting a mouth full of sock. He spat it out and sat there for a few minutes, reviewing the dreams that had been waking him up nonstop for the past three nights in a row. He hadn't had so much trouble sleeping since the resets, back when Chara still had the menu...

((OKAY! This probably hasn't been added to the discription yet so I will explain;

In this Au, Chara DID have the power to reset, back when he first fell. He started out with the Pacifist routes, but eventually turned to Genocide. After being able to kill Sans exactly 157 times over, resetting every time, he grew gravely ill. Just as Chara was about to die, his brother, Asriel, gave him half of his soul once Chara's was almost completely disintegrated. After that, Chara couldn't reset anymore, nor did he have the menu due to no longer having the DETERMINATION trait. Once Frisk fell, she was inherited with that trait. She has yet to use it though, only once when Sans died trying to save her from royal guardsmen way back when he was freeing her from the underground. Alright! BACK TO THE STORY~! ))

Sans couldn't stop thinking about those dreams and visions. They still didn't make any sense to him.... More importantly he was worried about Frisk. She seemed so different from when he last saw her. Though, he could have just been thinking about the fact that she actually looks...Well, you know. She had grown a lot, to put it in short terms. Anyway, she seemed a little more nervous around him than he thought she would, since she was such an outgoing kid at one time. He regret making her uncomfortable. He couldn't ignore it though, she just seemed do different for some reason or another.

Just as he'd finally decided to get up his head throbbed, allowing in another hallucination.

"It was the same one one as before, but longer."

He told his father while sitting at the dining room table in he and Papyrus' home. This lead Gaster to lead to further question.

"You mean like the ones with the girl? Or the ones with the silhouettes?"

"Silhouettes." Sans repeats. But thinking about it, the girl in his visions began looking familiar, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Much like his visions of the silhouettes, there was a bright array of lights blinding out and details from her face and most of her features. He wasn't even sure there WAS a light though, it just seemed that the vision itself was just a big blur. He groaned in frustration.

"I don't know Doc, this is all just getting to me... First someone I haven't seen in just about half a lifetime shows up outta the blue... now my visions are getting to be a serious pain."

Gaster doesn't think to answer. Because he too has noticed that Sans' visions have worsened. He has also noticed that Sans' behavior has taken a turn as well. He is more secluded than usual when in his lab, thinking to himself. The only time he says anything is in response to questions, but he usually answers in the simplest "Mhm" or "yeah" as if he is distracted.

It isn't that he's depressed, no, just... he just acts if his mind were wandering someplace else.

It had been a good three days since Gaster or Sans had heard from Frisk, not that she wanted to hear much from Gaster anyway. She liked Gaster, yes, but she just felt like something was off about him. He just has this vibe that she simply can't help but feel nauseous about.

Since Frisk had nowhere to go, the Dreemurs where more than happy to let her stay with them.

Asriel and Chara were very friendly to her, making them a close-nit group. Almost like the Three Musketeers. Toriel and Asgore gave Frisk the permission to roam the castle every now and then. Of course, she was thrilled.

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