The Skele-fam(Sans perspective)

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The Dreemur castle, home of the royal family. Also, were Papyrus works. While Gaster speaks with the king, I always go to meet with Papyrus beside the throne room. That's his favorite spot cuase there's always sunlight shining through the holes in the ceiling. He enjoys being with the flowers too. I step into the throne hall, one of the Guards stand proudly, red scarf acting as a heroic cape. He doesn't need a sword or a shield, in fact he's stronger without either. Kind and merciful, he gives all who pass a beaming grin. He stands as I inch towards him,heroically posing as if he has just saved the entire kingdom single handed.

"What? Not even gonna say hi to your bro?"

He jolts and turns in to my direction. His face lights up, an even larger smile creeps onto his face.

"Sans!" He runs towards me and scoops me up in a bear hug.

"Brother! Is my shift over already?!"

"Heh heh! Yeah lil bro, you've done great!" I laugh, cause I find it funny how someone from the royal guard can be so peppy all the time, shut that bit of himself down for hours, then just switch it back on all over again. In a way I admired it.

"Oh Brother, it has been forever since you came to walk home with me!"

'Oh come on Paps! It's only been a few weeks! Besides, you know how busy we get in the lab."

He sets me down. "Yes yes, I remember quite clearly. But do not worry! I, The Great Papyrus, have been fine on my own! Tonight, we will feast to celebrate your return home!" He began walking down the hall, cape wavering behind him. I have to run to catch up.

"Okies Pap, just be sure to make extra spaghetti tonight."

"Oh~! Do we have a guest for dinner?"

"Yeah bro, Gaster's comin' home too."

"Yeah br- Woah!" I suddenly find myself being swooped into the air again. Paps throws me onto his back and starts running before I could protest. In a flash, Papyrus gets us to the King's dining room, were Asgore and Gaster sitting having tea.

"Pa..paps... Ya gotta stop doin that..!" I say, feeling the nicecream begin to come back up.

"I am just excited is all!" He happily apologizes and gives me a second to jump off his back.

"Sans, have you lost weight? You seem lighter."

"Pfft. No, you've just been getting stronger."


I nod.

"Well...Thank you,Brother." He looked down at me, and a gentle smile struck his teeth.

After a while of waiting outside the dining room, both me an Pap noticed that the Queen had dropped by with a tray of butterscotch-cinnamon pie, still warm from the oven. Papyrus kneeled before her and I bowed my head.

"Good evening your highness."


"Oh! Hello boys!" she hurried over with the pie and stood before us, tall and graceful.

"There's no need to be so formal with me you know Papyrus, and you too Sans. Asgore and I see you skeleton brothers and your father as very close friends, family if you will. I feel awful for to bow before any of us." She placed a hand on Pap's shoulder.

"So please, arise."

He did as told and stood back up.

"Thank you, your majesty."

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