The End

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Skip to almost two weeks later. Frisk stood in front of the barrier once again, her fists clenched. She opened her eyes with determination pouring from her palms, her heart pumping a mile a minute through her veins. She took forward. The shuffling of her shoes scuffed through the soundproofed area in attempts to echo once more. No one could hear, see, or sense her proximity as her soul ascended from her chest cavity. It pulsed animatedly, expanding further out the more Frisk drew nearer to the edge. It was when she'd come close enough for her to press her lips against it. The exterior steps where just on the other side, so close she could see it and almost touch it. Spring flowers, fresh air, fertile dirt and newer sights for the monsters to see. All of it was just a fingertip away.

Until his voice breaks through her earth again and forces her heart to flutter in her stomach.

"Sweetheart, I thought I told you this already. You really shouldn't be here- not at this hour or ever."

He crept towards her, and he snakes his arms around her waist from behind. His chin weighs down her head, and she scoffs. Her tone was irritated, and her words bitter.

"I heard you, Sans. I don't need a constant recap, and I don't need you here babysitting me as though I'm your child."

"Definitely not my child. Don't have one, never want one."

"Well, then you might as well stop throwing yourself at me, seeing how we have differing opinions on that."

Sans automatically let her go. "Well shit, you really are hot with me, aren't you?"

Frisk turns on her heel to face him. "And to think I thought you where smart. Clearly not if you're still having problems trying to figure that out."

The skeleton sighed, rubbing his neck and scowling at her "Look, kid, I didn't come to stir up more drama with you, okay? I came because I know what you've been doing with those books I lent you."

"Again, I thought you were smart."

Frisk swerved around him, marching swiftly for the barrier corridor's exit with him not too far behind her. He continued on with his attempts at making her listen. He didn't understand her anymore the way he used to. She's more grown up now, and he was only used to the childish version of his Babybones. So. What to do about this stranger he still called his girlfriend?

He attempts to grab her hand, but as soon as their fingers touch Frisk jerked herself away, never once stopping to look back at him. This didn't keep him from trying a second time.

"Frisk, I know you hate me NOW, but I also know that you never stop loving a person because it's not like you to forget that kind of feeling." He hoped that part of her wasn't reconstructed the way the rest of her was. "So please, even for just a damn second, will you listen to me?"

The girl jerked her hand away again but nodded, signaling for him to speak on.

He sighs in relief.

While they walk up the grey stairs, Sans continues on with his negotiations. Maybe, just maybe, if he could convince her otherwise, Sans could get his love to forget all about the sacrificial bullshit that's poisoned her head. And maybe she'll decide to stay.

"Frisk, what you're doing with those books- You've been trying to figure out how to break the Barrier, right?"

"Yes, I thought it was obvious."

"It was, and still is. But listen, I don't want you to do it."

They both stop. Sans stood ten steps below her on the stairs, and she turned halfway to see him with burnt out red eyes. She gazed at him sadly upon hear his next words and looking into his sockets.

"But I also know that you don't care for my opinions anymore... Do you?"

His tone was quiet, disappointed and empty.

"No. No Sans, I don't."

He took a step up with one foot. "And. You know exactly how you're doing this? You're just going to take all the other human souls and-?"

He receives a firm nod, determination filling her eyes.

"But-. Frisk, you know that's crazy. You KNOW how crazy your being, and you know damn well how bad of shape you'll be in IF you survive at all. Frisk. You KNOW that this is dangerous! You know exactly what's gonna happen as soon your souls merge together and-!..."

He suddenly took a step back down, letting his head hang some. The white pupils lighting up the voids of his skull dim out almost completely. His heart broke when he spoke again, knowing the apparent answer to his next question.

"But you don't care at all, do you?"

To this, she smiles. She smiles and let her head droop a little as well. Both refusing to look at each other as though doing so would blind them for good.

"Hm. I suppose you're sort of smart after all, Comedian."

Frisk was now the only one seeming to be moving forward in a world that no longer spun, leaving Sans in the dust at the bottom of the stairwell. But if this was truly the end for them, then he needed to let her know one more thing. Just as he'd opened his mouth, however, she'd already vanished. Just like every other time before. 

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