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(Frisk Perspective)


It's around four thirty in the afternoon. After Sans kissed me things around us got crazy, so we decided to get the heck out of Dodge while we had the chance. We warped to the room of echo flowers and decided to sit for a while. While sans thought I was asleep, I heard him humming as he stood by the glowing river. My curiosity got the best of me, so I listened to him.

Buh da dum da, bum bum da duh da dum da da dum ... da, dun da duh dun duh dun da....? I think....??? No..That isn't it.

When I couldn't make it out, I finally got up and asked

"Whatcha humming?"

He turns and stares blankly.

"A song you better wish you'll never hear."


He snickered a bit. "Chara'll know what it is. He'll tell ya if he feels like it."

"So it's like an inside joke?"
Sans' face goes blank of any expression. I swear his eyes disappeared like in Alphys' mangas. I hold back a laugh.

"Uh. Sure."


"It's a shame we couldn't stick around with Grilbey for a while longer..." I admit sadly.

"Yeah, but I'd rather you not be there past eight anyways. Around now I'd say Grilbey has his hands full with drunk men just waiting to throw themselves at anything in a skirt."

He wraps an arm around my shoulders as we walk, yawning, blue in the face from drinking.

"Wouldn't wanna kick someone's wasted ass for messin' with ya."

"Ha. You're wasted too you know." I punch him in the rib cage lightly.

" I had what...two?" he says as he counts on FIVE fingers...

" 'Two' my candied ass! You nearly drank the poor man out of every bottle he had in stock! How a skeleton can get drunk in the first place is beyond me...And off KETCHUP of all things..."

"Doesn't make me wasted." He hiccups.

"Does so!"

"Nuh-uh!" he whined, toppling over slightly, leaving me to support him.

I shout "H-hey! Don't you dare fall on me, Bone boy!" I shove him over and off of me with a laugh, he lands in the snow face first. I snicker as he just lies there covered in flakes. A minute passes and he's still lying there silently. Did he fall asleep? I squat down beside him and poke his shoulder with a stick.


No response. I pull his hood back and put cold snow on the back of his skull thinking it would make him jump. Oh wait, he doesn't ever feel the cold... Frick. Hmm... I start trying to get him to wake up, shaking his shoulders slightly and saying his name. "Saaaannnss? Sans, c'mon you better get up. Don't make me-"

Sans rolls over and in a flash I am pulled down and set on top of him. He pulls me to his chest and into a hug. My heart starts racing and I swear it'll jump out of my chest if I let it keep up. Can he hear it?!


He places a hand on the back of my head, the other on my lower back and our faces are nearly touching.

Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!! W-what do I do?! Shit!

I blush like a tomato and jump right back up, pushing him away.

"Don't even think it... N-not with the state you're in!!" I manage say between breaths. I clutch onto my sweater.

What the hell are you thinking, Sans?! I get that you're flirtatious from time to time but come on now!

Immediately, I do the first thing that comes to mind. I take him by his arm, yank him up and start walking to the, Paps and Gaster's house. I am NOT sending him to the lab right now. For all I know he could try drinking the chemicals, thinking they're ketchup or something. I couldn't bare that thought, the thought of him getting hurt because of me. Even if I am kind of mad at him right now... I still don't want him doing anything stupid.

Surprisingly he isn't as hard to pull along as I thought he'd be. Then I turn around and realize I'm not even dragging him, he's just walking. Which I am fine with. 

Stupid skeleton, saying he wouldn't let anyone harass me then he tries to make moves like that, honestly!

(((((YEEEAAAAHHHHH....... I am sorry for this cringey ass chapter...But I had a bit of a brain fart. Sorry. Don't hate me. ~Ekoing still loves you, no matter how horrible she is rn)))))) 

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