I remember- The ∏ÅLjψ͆ arc

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((Play the youtube video up top and then switch to the image. Enjoy))

     Sans, Frisk, and Papyrus could be seen strolling through the woods, gaining distance from the Dreemur's cabin. Crisp autumn air surrounded them, their coats being just enough to keep them warm while the rest of the environment remained bitter cold.

        Green needles covered their path, trees towering over them and encasing the trio with the scent of alluring spruce and pine. All that could be understood was the giggle of voices and the crunching of dirt below their shoes.

        Papyrus adorned in his scarf and pasta sweater, gloves on his hands, half points to the grey sky above them, turning his head to speak to Frisk with cheer "From this day on, you will live with us, Human!"

To this, she doesn't argue, only nods in agreement. "Ok!"

        The young girl wouldn't mind spending some more time with her friends, even if one of them was delusional enough to proclaim her permanent stay. Still, she found his utter joy to be amusing.

      Sans, however, being the only sensible one among the group protests to his brother's insane thinking. True, he loved the child as much as Papyrus had, if not more, but this was overzealous. There was no way her family wouldn't notice her missing at dinner, and he had no intentions of being the one to face Chara's rath for it either. Regardless, he played along with this children's game and continued on their walk.

In the hopes of helping him see just how crazy this was, Sans began to press more on the matter.

"Ya do know this is kidnapping... Right? Toriel's not gonna like this..."

Which was right, there was no determining what she was capable of when enraged.

Despite the attempts Sans had made, Papyrus's mind didn't change. In a huff, he places his hands on his bony hips and raises his chin up with a toothy, partially irked smile.

"It's not kidnapping if we know the child! Besides, we're her family too!"

Giving up, Sans sighs. "Whatever you say, bro."

        Sans readjusts his beanie, looking behind him and Papyrus and back down at Frisk with a shrug. In return, the child smiles lightheartedly, her small eyebrows creased up in pleasure and her lashes blanketing her eyes. Her hair was short and wavey, bangs off to one side, and her cheeks contracted compared to their first encounter. She'd grown to be taller as she got older, and began dressing in a way Sans would have if he were a kid.

Even though she was just ten years old, she was so beautiful, and he loved her to death. Everyone did. She was simply perfect no matter how you looked at her.

       Though, perhaps Sans wasn't the best influence on the young girl. The longer the two spent time together, the more Frisk began to get unruly and resistant. She wandered off on her own far too often and began to isolate herself. The only person she ever wanted to be around was him and only him. When someone spoke of him behind his back she'd become very protective.

She still loved the other monsters, but it was crystal clear that Sans was her favorite. As flattering as it was, the matter also scared him. Just how attached was she?

       Sans shook his head and looked away from the humble human and back to the path. He took in the smells and the freshness of it all, happy to be traveling more of the mountain they'd been trapped beneath for decades.

"Why must you doubt me, Sans? Am I no the smartest monster you know?"

"Of course you are!" Frisk exclaims, looking up at the tall skeleton with big eyes "Your super smart, Papyrus!"

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