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((Ik that the pic above has nothing to do with the chapter, but I thought it was a good one so I used it.))

(Sans perspective)

Frisk and I stopped after a while to catch our breaths but never kissed again. We both separated and sat back against the grey bricks of the two buildings, me starring off at the roof of the caverns and Frisk sitting further down the tight alley hugging her knees to her chest. It was like we were hiding out or something. But neither of us complained. We just sat in silence. I think.. we  both pretty shocked after what happened. We hadn't looked at each other in the hour of us thinking while everyone else was out dancing and getting wasted. Which actually didn't sound like a bad idea. Defiantly needed a beer. Maybe it'd clear up this mess for a while, I could forget it till morning then head to Grillbz and get drunk again.  Easy. Or... maybe not. Why do I say this? 

Cause I could hear Frisk start to cry in the farthest corner from the glow of the festive Christmas lights that strung themselves above the streets. 

I feel a pang in my chest while gazing over at her from the corner of my sockets. Her soft brown hair hung in her face an wasn't bothering to hug her legs anymore. She looked as though she had just fallen down on her knees and slumped over slightly. Tears streamed down her cheeks while she used the back of her wrists to try and clear them away. 

I sig deeply and stare back up at the fake stars. All I could do was listen. Just listen to her try and muffle her cries until they turn to quiet sobs. I grit my teeth, wanting to help but feeling that I had already overstepped my boundaries. So I hold myself together and keep my eyes forward. 

This continues for a few more minutes before I hear a whimpered voice call out to me between sobs. "..Sans.?"  I regretfully turn my head towards her. She kept wiping her face with her sleeves. "m?" I respond quietly. 

She keeps sobbing "I'm scared...!..." 

I turn half of my body towards her now incase I misheard her. "huh...? " She coughs on tears and repeats more clearly.  My heart breaks at the sight. 

Frisk turns towards me too. Her eyes big and pupils dilated, glossed over , squinted and overflowing with tears that cascaded down her rosey cheeks like a hurricane. She shook all over, gripping her locket with one hand and hugging herself with the other tightly as if if she were to let go of herself she would slip away. "I'm scared. I'm so damn scared, Sans! I'm freaking...!" Loader, longer sobs. "I-..I'm scared!!..." 

"Frisk.. You gotta calm down." I whisper in attempt to comfort her, still afraid to move. God. I haven't been afraid in years, not like this.  She doesn't cease to stop. She keeps sobbing and continues. 

"I-I can't calm down! If I calm down I'll pass out! I don't want to without saying a few things!..I-if I don't now, I w-won't latter!" She started to ramble before I could say a word in response. "I... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry!...And I'm sorry for thinking about certain things and doing certain things, and I'm sorry for things I'm going to do." She coughs.  Fuck it, I get up and step over to her, sitting down criss cross and leaning my back against the wall. While she's sobbing her eyes out I pull her into my lap and hold her there averting my eyes to the cobble stone road beyond the alley. I let Frisk cry convulsively into my shirt, shuddering for the next thirty minutes to her wailing "I'm sorry" to me. It tore me apart. What the hell was she even apologizing for? I'm the one who dragged her over here anyway, so I should be feeling regretful, not her. She wasn't the one who- .... gah..

I sigh again, slowly caressing her head, ruffling her hair up slightly by mistake. She doesn't seem to care though, and her cries have softened some, so only I could hear them now. Again, I have no idea what caused her to spontaneously feel like ripping my feelings to shreds like that, but I guess I'd have to ask latter. Along with a hundred other questions I'd been dying to ask.

((((Sorry for the delayed updates on this you guys! I have been really busy with my other works that I forgot about this cringey ass one XD

Sorry for the even cringeier shit up there :| ....I just didn't think of many happy outcomes to the kiss so I did this lil number. REGRET. Lol, sorry. Love ya'll bunches! Oh! And I (hopefully ) will be posting a new Deficit chapter here soon!


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