Magic child meets magic skeleton (3rd person)

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((Heya guys! The following chapter is going to be a flashback into frisk's childhood. Or, her childhood with Sans at least. This will be told in third person, so that both views are shown. Also, It'll be easier since Frisk was only a small five year old child when she fell. So she probably wouldn't really think much about the entire situation. OH~! And for all you Frans lovers, this is sort of were the shipping starts. But don't worry those of you who don't like the ship. I made sure to think this all out, so we aren't diving right into it. Just hinting it a bit! ;) OKAY! Thank ya'll and please enjoy.))

Frisk ran down the narrow trail, her legs achy from running. She didn't dare turn around, too afraid of slowing herself down. Backpack bouncing up and down as she went along, weighing down her tiny shoulders and making her feel sore there too. Come to think of it, she was sore everywhere.

She huffed, stopping at a stream like river, clear and fresh. She eagerly dropped her belongings and cupped her hands, getting several drippy hand fulls of water as she could. Smile creeping on her face, no matter how much her lips were chapped and hurt, she looked around. Luckily, Frisk had lost those kids from the orphanize. They had banged her up pretty bad this time. But instead of crying about it, she just wiped blood off her chin, a bit teary eyed, but smiling anyway. Even as a little girl, Frisk had learned to tough t out through the hardships.

Frisk got up and examined the area, and WOW! Everything around her seemed to be going into full bloom. Even though it was in the freaking winter. Things like this tended to happen a lot. A lot of crazy, unexplainable things. Sometimes, even some bad things or accidents would occur. Which is exactly why she was always bullied and shunned as a child. People were afraid of her because the things they didn't know about her, things she didn't even know about herself. They were afraid of her, because she was different, even though she couldn't help, or control it.

One time, some older boys had tried taking her food at breakfast, they grabbed her by her hair and tried getting her to eat her food from the ground after throwing it up. Well, she was so enraged and humiliated that when she finally got ahold of one of the boys, they shrieked and walked out of the lunchroom with a somehow burn hand. There wasn't anyway that Frisk could have burn him with an object because the burn itself was in the shape of her hand. She can't remember what happened though.

This was different though, instead of some horrible accident happening, Frisk could see an expanding circle of green green around her. It continued to expand to the trees, a patch of flowers growing around her, leaving on the spot she had been standing empty. Frisk's eyes widened, she jumped up and down and ran through the flowers, touching trees with her fingertips, giving them leaves as she laughed. Of course, she thought it wa caused by fairies or gnomes of some sort. Then she stumbled across something.

There, were the boys who had been chasing her, but she wasn't the victim that time. Instead, it was a small bird, they were throwing rocks at it. She stepped in , in hope to ward them off, only to fail, being shoved and hit in the back of the head with a rock. Enraged again, her vision went red next time they'd thrown a rock. They freaked out and started running, but Frisk had blacked out, and when she woke up the boys were burnt in more places than one, and they're cloths were practically butchered to death. She still had no idea what happened. Since then, nothing like that had happened again. No one talked to her either, in fact, they dissed her completely.

Every friend she had made decided they didn't want to be around her anymore because she was "freaky" and "demonic". Once the adults in the orphanage had found out about the things she'd done, even they were afraid of her.

Unwanted and unloved, Frisk eventually ran away and found refuge by the small river. Freezing and starving to death, she had longed for food and..maybe a blanket? Well, she found food. There was a random patch of blackberries on the river bank, defrosting as she held them in her small hands. After a few days of crying and boredom she had decided see were the rest of the trail could take her. Just as she had begun her walk, there was a large hole beside the mountain. Curious, she stepped towards it.

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