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((((To all you shippers, here is were it gets cute~! Enjoy my lil bells!))))

(Frisk's perspective)

It's been a good two weeks since the whole ' Delta Rune' and ' CHANGING MY FATE' shit. And GOD...News got out fast... Turns out that one of the waterfall residents eavesdropped on our little 'meeting' and started spreading rumors that the new princess is supposedly the hope of this world. Which honestly... Doesn't sound too far fetched. That's actually part of why I fell again in the first place. I felt that monsters had been discriminated long enough, that they deserve a life out in the opened air instead of living like hermits underground. It was my goal. Well.. not entirely, my first goal wasn't exactly as .. pleasant sounding as being the heroin to an army of monsters. I'll go over that another time though...

Anyway, now whenever I go somewhere to just walk around, I am swarmed by all these monstars wanting to know me and to thank me, or to interrogate on whether I really am bearing the Delta Rune and if I can really save all of monster kind. Nine times out of ten I can't answer. I always give them a smile and say that I plan on saving the monsters regardless of if I am the 'angel' or not. Which, I'm not. I'm nothing special, just a human who fell. Gosh if only that were the case... Life would be so much easier around here if so. But of course it isn't. Instead I am Princess of monsters, Frisk Dreemur. Hope for this world and (according to most men I pass by ) easy on the eyes.... Blarg. I honestly disagree but ya know? For once I don't care to be honest.

That might be because I actually feel loved for once in my life. I have not only an amazing pair of parents, but a couple of playful brothers who have never once failed to watch my back. Then again, Sans is no different. Or Gaster, Papyrus, Geson, Undyne, or Alphys. All those guys feel like family to me. Gaster feels like an Uncle in a way, Papyrus is like a cousin, a very close one, Undyne and Alphys are like my aunts, and Gerson is kind of like... A..Graaanndpaa...? Yeah, like a grandpa. Then we are left with Sans. Gee, I have no idea who he'd be... I love him to death, adore him really, but I can't place him as a brotherly figure, or as an uncle like Asriel does... But I love him, and he's still in my family. Still, it feels different saying 'I love him' whereas I can easily say 'i love you' to everyone else. Well, except Gaster. Pfft~ He makes it awkward somehow. But it's fine because we are still close and laugh about that stuff. Not Sans though. Still not Sans.

Speaking of Sans... Turns out that before I fell this time around not a lot of people knew that Sans had stowed me away to the surface. Now...A lot of monsters are mad at him. They say that he could have just took me and the other souls to break the barrier or get the souls on the surface. But since he didn't, they have a grudge on him and send dirty glares his way. Now all the monsters in the Underground know that Sans, Asgore's Royal Scientist is a 'traitor'. Their words not mine. And as if that isn't bad enough, a few monsters have seen Sans and I alone together a lot, and it's raising some weird suspicions. I have had people from the staff come and ask if he and I are- yes you guessed it, gold star for you, dating. I always answer bluntly with "No." and walk away. But one way or another I feel kinda sad about it. Probably because I have been a bit rude about my bland responses. We definitely aren't dating, THAT'S for sure. But we do tend to go and have fun every once in awhile. Especially after the incident just two weeks back. Like today, he and I are pretty much just exploring the Underground like we used to. Back when he and I were much younger.

Right now we are in the capital, the sunniest spot in the whole Underground. And beautiful in the morning, which is why we are here before eight. Sans loves it here apparently. He feels closer to the surface and stuff. He seemed like a child, giggling with joy at just about everything, but somehow still keeping his cool and not letting his voice rise above its normal low volume. I swear, he practically wanted to show me everything. Since we had a full day of fun for once that would be much easier for him. Normally he was working or we only had a few hours.

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