Soul one out of six- J U S T I C E

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Hushed voices littered the streets as the princess, and her older brother ventured the Capital, engaged in meaningful conversation. Monsters playing as another passer-by would whisper and point, and even stroll over to introduce themselves to the two humans. They spoke of how honored they were to face to face with the hopes of their new world and complimented on their clothes. Frisk would remain silent while Chara took over, thanking them for their hospitality and ushering his little sister forward.

Frisk knew they were only kind out of politeness. The monsters here where all too kind and courteous, as expected.

Still grieving over the loss of someone she hadn't the opportunity to know, the human girl gallivanted through the large thorp with her head hung low, her brother needed to redirect her the entire trip to their destination. In a satchel, he carried some snacks and essentials such as band-aids and what-not. She was not only mourning over Gerson but over the love, the love she had forced herself to longer feel towards her life-long soulmate.

Now that she had properly broken it all down, she was understanding the true consequence of her decision. If she went through with this, she might not be able to see him ever again. She would never be able to kiss him or tell him that she was sorry. For what? She didn't know. Maybe for being so cold to him despite the constant apologies he had been giving her for these three weeks. But that bitter part of her didn't give a damn about how many times he pleaded for her forgiveness, and she was leaning on that side of her mental fence.

Chara held her hand, squeezing it tightly and smiling down at her. His bright red eyes shined like newborn poppies, lively and loving.

She gazed up at them, her dimmer crimson orbs not showing the same affections. "What are we doing out this late at night, Char?" She asks, rightfully suspicious.

"We're going to a place I used to call my real home." He chirped, walking faster and dragging her along by force.

After minutes of simply taking turns and alleyways, the humans approached a small garden, golden flowers surrounding an averagely sized fountain of spouting water. When coming closer, Frisk took not of the hundreds of silver coins in the bottom of the tiny pool, all of them either old, new or in between, rusted or shiny one. Only golden buttercups could be seen surrounding the entire area, leaving frisk in awe for a moment before he spoke once more.

"This is the place I called home, back when Mom and Dad first adopted me."

"When Asriel and you first split your souls apart..."

He nodded, the begrudging tone of his voice clear, showing he didn't like the mention of such things. "Yep. When our souls split and joined together."

"Mhm. Go on."

He nodded, looking around with nostalgia. "I started to grow these flowers after I lost my DT. They sort of reminded me of that determination I once had... The hope and drive to believe in the world. I come here, and seeing these flowers reminds me of those things I once loved to feel."

Frisk looked at the flowers as well, remembering things she once felt as well, hope. Hope. Warmth. Fear.

A hope of a new, better life than the one the surface had provided her. A warmth that would come from comforting hands to hold her own. And a small fear for things she would never get to understand. All the things he had provided her.

"I miss the way life used to be." she murmured.


"I miss the life I used to have, the one with him. I want it back." she choked on her pride, knowing that she would never have those things ever again. But just as before, every time she wants something, she got the opposite. Instead of being kissed by a set of teeth, Frisk found her older brother's lips locked on hers.

Her heart stopped and her eyes flung wide open, engulfed in red flame.

What the hell was he doing? This is wrong, it isn't right. It didn't feel right. It felt gross and dark, and just unpleasant. But Frisk didn't know how to pull away. This was her damn brother. What would he say if she did shove him away? Still, she did not kiss him back, she just stared at him lividly with her eyes sparking like hot embers.

When he pulled away, she glared up at him, gritting her teeth.

What does one say at this moment? How about...

"What the hell are you doing?"

He looked down at her, his hand on her waist. "Just stop talking about that stuff, it's irritating to see you so angry and uptight all the time."

"Uptight?!" She blurts out, finally taking action and shoving him off of her. "Your the one her kissing your god damn sister like she's some sort of snack you can just take a bite out of anytime you want! That's sick, Chara!" She hisses at him, vigorously whipping the germs from her mouth.

He chuckled, hands in the air "We aren't blood-related, so-"

"SO nothing, you jack ass!!" she growled, turning and walking off "If you brought me here just to try getting in my pants then you can go drill a hole into fruit or something because I am not having that!"

"I thought you said you didn't care about what happened to you." He mocked some, earning her attention once more. "You said yourself. Whatever happens, happens. If fate decides, you'll let it choose your course of action."

"I do now! And you know what? I'm not going tolerate your insolence and vulgarity!" she pointed at him abruptly, storming over and leaving a foot-trail of fire behind her on the cobblestone pavement. "I am the one thing in life I can control anymore, and refuse to let someone else use me for anything that will be beneficial to their desires. I decide my fate now! I decide where my body goes, I decide what to do with it! No one, not you, Asriel, Mom, Asgore, or even Sans can sway me away from the choices I make anymore! And you are NOT my choice! Far from it!"

He stared at her, eyes wide. He didn't know what to say when he had seen her soul show up between them, her eyes flutter between god and red as he noticed another soul resignate beside her own.

His tone turned bitter and filled with regret. "What is that doing there?"

Frisk didn't need to look at him to know what he meant. She already felt it's vulnerability and she felt it pulsing in rhythm with her original trait stitching into it.

"I'm the hope of this world now, and I refuse to be the one to let it's inhabitants rot in the dark any longer than they have to begin with."

He furrowed his brows. "Your crazy, Frisk. You're freaking crazy if you believe I'll let you break the barrier. "

He marched towards her, summoning a sword.

"I didn't ask for your permission- maybe f you had asked for mine before, I would have reconsidered. But now?" she summoned a ring of fire around the built man, glowering. "Now I can't afford to worry about what you want. The only opinion that matters between us is mine, and mine alone. And in this last week, I don't want to even see your face at dinner. I hope you savored our last meal together."

"Frisk, put this out right now! You don't know what you're doing!"

"Your the one who doesn't know what you're doing, Chara." She walked away, not letting him speak to her anymore. She was tired of being swayed by the influence of her brother and refused to stand for it or any of his shenanigans any longer.

In the darkness of Frisk's mind, the one she once forgot began to whisper. 'You are filled with Justice...'

((I know this was choppy, but I am honesty doing my best to bring everything together. Please, be patient my loves.~ Ekoz Del Eggoz (e) ))

SoulFire  ( sans x frisk AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin