April flower

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((The photo above is what her dress looks like. If it isn't obvious, hers is the one on the right/ "heart ache" . Just know that Frisk is pale, and her hair is wild/sticks out and is about to past her shoulders instead of cutting off above them and being straight the way it was in the beginning. Please enjoy))

~~~~(Time skip; 4 months after the Christmas celebration)~~~~

Frisk stood tall in her gown, dying to rip it off and throw her sweater back on. This gown was far too elegant for her, and she still didn't feel like royalty, despite being Underground for almost a year now. The anniversary and coronation would be the day after, along with her birthday, so she thought she might as well try it on. She was used to clothes bigger than her, so perhaps she was just too out of her comfort zone. But she felt it was too tight fit anyway.

She twirls her skirt around, sighing and looking herself over; Though she didn't feel it, Frisk truly did look the part of a princess. Again, not used to this. 

Frisk steps over to the calendar on the wall, flipping through all the pages, counting forwards to that day. She's been in here since last spring, it's spring now. She has since then grew out of her depression, regained the will to live, and grown more mature, only acting childish and goofy for the purity of her brother's entertainment- well, and Sans'. 

She remembers the day she'd fallen and he was the first set of eyes she got to see. He was, after all, the only thing she'd expected from the underground; A kind hearted, fun, smart person she'd learned to call her friend. 

She remembered the smile he gave her when she called him by his "old name". She looks back  on how she'd tossed tea onto Sans and Gaster in the Ruins house, how Toriel had even given her pie and offered her a family. She smiles when thinking about her charming big brothers, how they accepted her as though she'd always been there. She thinks about Alphys and Undyne, though they are constantly busy she still enjoys their rare companies. 

She's met so many kind monsters, and she regrets nothing. 

When she first fell, Frisk was seen as insane for constantly being a liar; Telling everyone she'd been friends with the opposite race and  surviving the fall. For having not only a human soul, but unknown magic properties and wrecking havoc no matter where she went. She'd been beaten, shamed, and neglected for all that time, leading to her suicide attempt in the first place. Now? She wouldn't trade all those horrible memories for the world. 

A knock comes from the bedroom door. 

Frisk turns quickly, heart beating fast in the hopes of it being her most precious friend Sans.

"Come In." 

A tall goat monster steps into view, crouching to get through the doorway and holding his crown to keep it from hitting the roof, horns scraping the paint above. He grunts "I do wish these doorways were taller..." 

Her heart sinks but soft smile never falters. "Hello Asgore." 

The king smiles warmly , smoothing the hair of his beard and popping his back. "Good afternoon my child!"  He replies cheerily before he sees her in her dress. His kind eyes widen, full of wonder and astonishment. "Why...Frisk dear. Your in your-..." Asgore is too taken aback by it that he can no longer find words. She was so radiant, even if it was only a dress, it made her seem so grown.

Frisk laughs nervously under her breathe, folding her hands in front of her "Mhm...I wanted to try it on.."  

Asgore goes over and takes her hands gently kissing the tops of them in a gentleman manner. He smiles, eyes almost full of stars. "You are beautiful, child. " 

SoulFire  ( sans x frisk AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora