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Maxwell's Journal:

If you told me one month ago that I would be in the position that I'm in now, I would have called you insane.

Mainly because I used to think that Brandon was a collosal narcissist who only cared for his own reputation.

But this past week and a half I truly have gotten to know the guy and I would consider him to be a friend.

Obviously I would be furious if he did something to hurt Nikki, but I doubt that he would ever do that.

That's not the kind of man that Brandon Roberts is.

Besides, after my little display of disposing of those amateur thieves last week, he wouldn't dare do something like that.

He knows what I will do to him if he does. And it won't be pretty.

I sometimes do like to think to myself,
What would have happened if I didn't offer Nikki the choice?

Would I be happier and together with her?

Would she have been happier with someone like me who can protect her?

But then I see the look on her face when she is together with him and at that very moment I know that there is no way on this earth that any of my questions would be correct.

And I guess it's okay, Brandon was here first and I was probably interfering in true love. And I would have to be somewhat vain and juvenile to do something like that.

Anyway, today was pretty good. We chose to play a game of soccer on the beach, Brandon was obviously a natural and there's me who sucks at these kinds of sports. Nikki fell over after attending to kick the ball and failing miserably. My instincts kicked in and I was going to help her up, but then I thought...

I'm interfering again since Brandon is also going to help her up. So I just didn't bother and I let the happy couple have their moment together.

Why even bother?

They're happy.

Why even care?

After working up an appetite we went to Haagen-Dazs to get some gelato. I predicted correctly that Nikki would buy the birthday cake option. When she asked me how I guessed correctly I just responded with

'Just a lucky guess.'

Because even though I don't have feelings for her anymore I would rather keep that wearing a teddy bear suit to work at an Ice Cream store thing a secret.

But that's just another secret to add to the growing list...

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