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Nikki's Diary:

We received a phone call from Trevor Chase today and he explained that tomorrow's visit to the Perez Art Museum will now be on Saturday since it will be closed tomorrow due to the 4th of July celebrations.

But that doesn't bother me since it gives us an idea about what to do tomorrow, watching the firework shows from our balconies would be amazing!

Today was another day same as always, but tonight was so stunning!

It all started when Trevor Chase alerted us during that phone call that we are VIP guests at a nightclub tonight.

What nightclub was it?

NIKKI Beach of course!

The same place where my parents met 25 years ago back in 1992.

And now in 2017 I will be able to follow in their footsteps and dance with my Boyfriend Brandon ❤!

We got ready for the night and we looked FABULOUS! We looked like total celebrities... No wait... WE ARE CELEBRITIES!

That was until we attempted to talk to the bouncer...

BOUNCER: "Hey! What kind of tricks do you think you're playing here? I ain't gonna let no kids in here!"

And like he always does, Maxwell tried to reason with him.

MAXWELL: "Listen sir, let's just tone down the sass a little and just look at the list. You will see that-"

BOUNCER: "Sass?! Who do you think you're talking to blondie?! If you think that you're some kind of celebrity then you better turn around right now because I ain't seen your face on any billboards."



MAXWELL: "This...Isn't...Over..."

And feeling defeated, Maxwell obeyed and went to the back of the line.

Next it was Brandon❤'s turn to convince this guy that he is wrong about us. And considering the fact that Maxwell couldn't do it... None of us probably could.

BRANDON: "Excuse me sir but we are on the list."

BOUNCER: "Oh really, don't try and fool me pretty boy. Go and join your friend blondie at the BACK OF THE LINE!"

BRANDON: "You're making a mista-"


It sucked that this guy thought that he could talk to Brandon ❤ like that. So now it was my turn and for some reason my mother's side of me took over...

NIKKI: "Hey buddy! Who do you think you're talking to?! Do you have some kind of problem with guys that are WAY better looking and younger than you?! Is that it?!"

BOUNCER: "Who do you think you are missy?! You know what you can do right? Join your little boyfriends at the BACK OF THE LIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!"


That's when this guy scratched his head and asked me

BOUNCER: "Wait, you're Nikki Maxwell?"

NIKKI: "Yes, I just said that."

BOUNCER: "You're THE Nikki Maxwell?"

Was this guy deaf or something?

NIKKI: "Yes, it's not like I'm a different person all of a sudden. I'm still me. If you want someone two faced then go find Mackenzie Hollister."

BOUNCER: "OMG! So you must be 'Actually I'm Not Really Sure Yet!' my daughter is a huge fan of you guys. Don't worry about the mean comments, all is forgiven. Go right in to the VIP section."

Wow, I suddenly feel bad about insulting this guy. But NOBODY talks crap about my man!

The VIP section was decked out with speakers and a private dance floor. We had some great fun there but one of the highlights was when Brandon ❤ met Maxwell ON THE DANCEFLOOR.

MAXWELL: "So Brandon, the word around town is that you're a pretty good dancer. Correct?"

BRANDON "Yeah, Nikki told me the same about you after the time you spent at the Final Dance."

MAXWELL: "Interesting, care to see who is better?"

BRANDON: "I couldn't agree more, bring it on!"

Oh those guys are always being competitive with each other. But after all they bring out the best in one another, maybe that's why they are such good friends now.

Besides they're both pretty great dancers, especially when Brandon ❤ did the worm and Maxwell landed a backflip.

It was just TOO great!

I just wish that we can go on forever like this, without the need to reveal that I'm leaving, without anyone getting offended or anyone getting hurt. Forever in this moment, with everyone smiling and laughing.

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