Chapter Sixty Two

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Three weeks had passed by and Duff and I hadn't fought for the entire period. We weren't good, but we weren't at our ropes end like I had been. Duff had been physically trying, he had cut back on the alcohol and he didn't touch any form of drug, not even a marijuana joint. He spent all of his free time during the tour by my side, making sure to talk to me and actually pay attention to me. It was also the first time Duff and I had been intimate with each other in such a long time. Things were still dull, but at least now there seemed to be some kind of glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. It gave me a sense of hope that we could maybe work through this, together.

"Shelia, can I talk to you for a little while?" Alison approached Duff and I as we sat on the bus together.

"Of course Ali." I nodded, offering her a smile.

With the help of Duff, I got to my feet and followed Alison down to the back of the bus. Walking into the room Duff and I had been sharing, Alison turned to me with a nervous smile.

"So I have some news." Alison starts, sounding a little nervous. "And before I say anything, I need to make sure you won't tell anyone, including Duff."

"I promise." I nodded. "What's going on?"

Alison reached into her denim jacket and pulled out a couple of white sticks. At first, I didn't comprehend what she was holding, not until she handed them to me. They were pregnancy tests. Looking at each individual test, I noticed they all had the matching symbol, a cross.

"What does this mean?" I asked. "Positive or negative?"

Alison took a shaky breath and smiled. "P-Positive."

I stared at Alison in bewilderment. My best friend, she was pregnant? That's when it actually hit me, my best friend was pregnant. All excitement rushed to me at once as I ripped her into a tight hug. "Congratulations Ali!" I exclaimed.

"Ssh, don't say it too loud." Alison giggled as she hugged me back. "I haven't shown Izzy, you are the first person to find out."

Pulling back, I beamed at her. At least things were going well between her and Izzy, it pleased me that she was happy and now, going to have a baby. It gave me hope that maybe Duff and I would reach that point one day.

"You have to tell Izzy!" I quietly say.

"I can't yet, not until I get a blood test to really confirm." Alison reasons with a smile. "So what I was really wondering, would you mind coming with me to go see a doctor tomorrow morning?" She questions with a sweet smile.

"Of course I'll come with you Ali." I nodded eagerly. "This is the best thing that has happened in months." I pulled her back into my arms for another hug.

"Great." Alison grinned. "So I gotta go back to Izz, but I can't wait for tomorrow." She lets go of me and goes to leave the room.

"Wait, Ali. What do you want to do with these?" I questioned, holding up her used pregnancy tests.

"Trash them." Alison gave my shoulder a squeeze before she left my side.

Taking another glance at her pregnancy tests, I couldn't hold back the excited smile. I was so damn proud of her and Izzy, I could only hope that Duff and I got to experience the same. Without thinking twice, I chucked the tests into the rubbish bin by the bed and made my way back out to where Duff and I had been sitting.

"Is everything all good?" Duff questions as I sat back down beside him.

"You know what, everything actually is."


Most of the day drifted away and before long, it was after the concert and Duff and I had made our way back to the bus. Duff wasn't going out with Slash, Matt, Dizzy or Axl for a drink, instead he was going to stay back and spend some time with me. Duff's mood had been unusually fantastic since before the concert and I had never seen him so happy as he performed on stage tonight. His mood had seemed to rub off on me and I was having the best time with him, like we used to.

Infatuated With You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now