Chapter Three

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Waking up with a startle, I sat up in bed unsure of where I was. It was all new and strange to me, where in hell was I? Kicking off the blankets and slowly getting out of bed, I looked around searching for my answer. It was as if I had been wiped of my memories of coming to wherever I was. Walking over to my suitcase, that was open, I suddenly remembered I was in Los Angeles with Alison; in her friends' house. The relief I had when it occurred to me, was unbelievable.

Grabbing out some fresh clothes, I placed them onto the bed and headed over to the cupboard to grab out a towel for a shower. Once I did that I went to the bathroom opening the door and turning on the light which lit up more of the bathroom, rather then the window itself. It was a fairly large bathroom with a toilet, bathtub, shower and even a basin. Now I had to decide between having a shower or taking a bath. Such a hard choice. Deciding with a shower, I soon finished and took my dirty clothes out and placed them down beside my suitcase. I then went over to the bed, dried myself down and got dressed into some tight jeans, high heeled boots, a white singlet with an Aerosmith logo and finally a leather jacket to finish off the look.

When I was satisfied with how I looked, I left my room and went down stairs to go see if Alison was awake. Searching around the house for her, there were no signs of her awake whatsoever. So I walked back into the lounge room and sat down on the lounge. Looking to my right, I stared momentarily at the large cassette player with hundreds of cassette tapes on a wooden shelf beside it. Taking an interest in the music, I left the lounge and placed myself onto the floor looking at the different artists on each tape.

There were bands varying from Queen to Aerosmith and to the Aussies; AC/DC. I also noticed another cassette tape I recognised that was also another Australian band; Rose Tattoo. Which shocked me but I took pride in knowing that they also got this far, well to be in Los Angeles. There were also many others but those were the ones that stood out the most to me. I had searched for Guns N' Roses but sadly I couldn't find one tape amongst the heap. A shame. To think that Alison's friends had taste, nah.

"Figured out who lives here yet?" Alison questioned from behind me. She startled me at first, but I hid it better than I thought.

Getting up from looking at the cassette tapes, I turned around to see her all dressed up like I was, but her hair was teased unlike mine. "Nope, I haven't been looking but I was looking through the cassette tapes and I couldn't find one Guns N' Roses tape." I sighed sadly.

Alison's facial expression had changed dramatically before she walked off giggling like a child who knew something that I didn't. She was keeping a secret from me and I was slightly frustrated that she wouldn't tell me who lived here.

"Are you hungry?" Alison yelled from the kitchen.

"Sure." I walked into the kitchen, seeing her search through various cupboards and through the fridge. But there was nothing laying around except for sorts of medications in little plastic bags, cigarettes and alcohol. Nothing food wise whatsoever.

"Right, we're in need of groceries." Alison sighed. "Up for a shop with me?" Alison closed the fridge door and turned to face me.

"Alright, just give me a sec though." I said walking away from the kitchen and over to the drumset. Last night I remembered seeing something vaguely familiar, but I didn't take in what it actually was nor did I say anything to Alison. That was when I spotted a small table with a gold record on there, which got me curious but before I could take a closer look Alison called for me. Taking one last glimpse over my shoulder at the drums as I walked away, I took in a sharp breath realising what was on the drums. A Guns N' Roses symbol. A big grin plastered across my face and I bit my lip holding back my excited squeal. No this can't be real! Could it?

Infatuated With You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now