Chapter Forty Seven

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Staring at the sausages defrosting on the bench as Mum made herself a coffee, the back door to the house opened, revealing a rather sweaty but smiley Dad.

"Shell, you never mentioned you're dating a bass player." Dad states with a knowing smile. "From a famous band."

Mum looked somewhat horrified, but intrigued when she spun around to look at not only myself, but Dad. "What?!"

"Duff was telling me he's the bass player in Guns N' Roses, you know that new rock band we keep hearing on the radio?" Dad was talking to Mum now.

"Fiddlesticks." Mum shook her head, denying that it could be true.

Dad disappeared down the hallway and only moments later he returned with a magazine. It just happened to be a Rolling Stone magazine. Right on the front page stood the guys, Duff, Izzy, Slash, Axl and Steven.

"Look for yourself, curly." Dad rested the magazine down on the bench and allowed Mum to look at it. While this was happening, I couldn't help but wonder what Duff was doing outside on his own.

"Wow." Mum shrieked, in complete shock. "Shelia, you're dating a rockstar?"

I turned around to slightly face my parents more as I nodded my head with half a smile. "Yeah, I suppose I am."

Dad didn't speak anymore, he instead left the magazine on the bench and turned to the fridge. Opening up the door, he pulled out two XXXX Gold beer stubbies. Before he exited the house, he grabbed two coolers and put one on each stubby.

"So you haven't mentioned where you are living now, Shell." Mum starts, obviously trying to talk.

"I'm staying with the band, in Los Angeles." I answered, just finding myself thinking about the guys, Alison and Harley.

"Los Angeles? That's in America." Mum looked astounded. "I thought you were living in Brisbane."

"Formerly, I still own a house there though." I shrugged.

"Good on you, sweetheart." Mum applauded me, touching my shoulder as she did. "So want to get me up to speed with who is who?" She points to the magazine on the bench as she took a sip of her freshly made coffee.

Nodding my head, I came over close (as we stood in the small kitchen) and gazed down at the magazine. Admiring the cover of the magazine, I allowed my eyes to drift from each and every member. Every single one of them was sitting on a white floor while Steven appeared to be on one knee.

"So this one is Axl Rose, he is the singer." I point to Axl who was wearing a black singlet with a pair of blue jeans. His hair looked oddly perfect with how straight it was and his tattoos stood out. "This is obviously Duff." I smiled, adoring how Duff looked. He looked to be in all leather and he overall looked so incredibly handsome. "That's Izzy Stradlin, he is the rhythm guitarist." I point once again. It was kind of hard to see what Izzy was wearing, but he appeared to be in a mustard coloured long sleeved shirt, a velvet red pair of pants and some black ankle boots. "This is Steven Adler, he is the drummer." I continue on explaining. Steven was wearing a white singlet which had 'HAMSTERS ROCK' and his hair was quite poofy. "Lastly, this is Slash. He is the lead guitarist." I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Slash.

"He's a looker." Mum bit her lip.

"Yeah, Slash sure is." I agreed. Slash wore a black leather jacket over a white shirt, some grey faded jeans and a pair of tie up shoes.

Just before Mum could say anything else, the phone in the lounge room began to ring. With her mug in hand, Mum left the kitchen and headed into the lounge room to obviously answer it. I on the other hand continued to stand still and stare at the magazine. I was curious to know what everyone would be doing right now, I also hoped that Slash was taking careful care of Harley.

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