Chapter Eleven

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"Morning beautiful." Duff's voice startled me as I came around the corner. I didn't even know that anybody was up, so seeing him was not only a fright for me, but a surprise. 

"Morning." I gave him a sweet smile, noticing that he had a cigarette hanging from out of his mouth. He looked pretty sexy like that, especially with how the cigarette was sitting.

Sparing my attention from him, I looked out the window to see that the day wasn't sunny like it had been for the past few days. It was dark and rather gloomy. It looked like we were going to have a storm.

"Might have a stormy day." I announce, because everyone talked about the weather, right?

"Yeah, we might get a bit of rain if we are lucky." He chuckled, picking up an acoustic guitar that was right beside him.

"Hey Duff?" I spoke well before even thinking about what I was about to ask. I mean, I wanted to ask about what yesterday meant. I know we didn't actually kiss, but I was curious as to what is going through his head. Alison reckons that Duff like me, so did that signify that he really does, or was it something that was all in the heat of the moment?

"Yes, beautiful?" He looked up at me expectantly. He took the cigarette from out of his mouth and blew out the remaining smoke that was obviously in his lungs.

Beautiful. I loved it when he said that. Suddenly freezing in my stance, I found myself mentally having an anxiety attack. I was too scared and embarrassed to say anything, let alone ask him.

"S-Sorry, nothing." I shrugged, unable to spit out exactly what I wanted to say.

"Are you okay?" Duff furrowed his eyebrows. "Is there something bothering you?" He gestured me to come over to him.

Hesitating at first, I nodded my head before walking over to him and taking a seat right beside him. Duff removed the guitar from his lap and rested it down on the other side of him. "I'm okay." I finally answered, almost forgetting to answer in general. I was lying, it was clear as day, whether it was clear to Duff was another story.

"You sure?" Duff asked, he did not seem convinced, not one bit.

"Positive." I bit my lip.

Duff seemed to approve my answer and dropped the subject. Taking an inhale of the smoke from his cigarette, he extended out his hand and the cigarette to me. Now, I wasn't actually a smoker, I did not buy them for myself nor did I really enjoy them, but every now and again, I had a puff of one. With my pointer finger and thumb, I grabbed the cigarette from his grasp and brought it up to my lips. Sucking in a breath, I felt the smoke flow down my throat and into my lungs. I hadn't done this for a while. The feeling of the smoke inside of my lungs was almost foreign.

Exhaling the smoke, I leaned back against the lounge and handed him back the cigarette. As I did, Duff shuffled over, getting a little closer to me. I didn't care, well I kind of did, I wanted him to be close. So by him doing this, I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you wanna hear something new? I mean it's not completed and we haven't actually looked at it for a fair while. But it was written by Axl, Slash and myself." Duff looked at me while I tried to cover up my smile.

"I'd love to." I nodded as Duff handed me back the cigarette to hold. In doing so, I decided to take another drag.

Duff grabbed his acoustic guitar then began strumming the notes, notes that I've never heard before.

"Look at your young men fighting,
Look at your women crying,
Look at your young men dying,
The way they've always done before,
Look at the hate we're breeding,
Look at the fear we're feeding,
Look at the lives we're leading,
The way we've always done before," Duff paused, giving me a smirk.

Infatuated With You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now