Chapter Thirty Four

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It was finally the day before Izzy and Alison's wedding. It was safe to say that everyone was running around like headless chickens, especially Alison. She was stressing to the point that you would call her a 'bridezilla'.

"Make up your fucking mind! You either want the table right here, or back where we had it before." Axl roused at Alison. He was sick of her being so picky, which I couldn't blame him. They had spent the last 15 minutes shifting the table back and fourth on the grass, because Alison didn't think it was in the perfect spot. Surprisingly, Duff hadn't lost his cool.

"Don't swear at me you red-headed bitch." Alison hissed in return. "From what I recall, this is my wedding after all." She challenged Axl with her big brown eyes.

"Ali." Duff had a warning tone, this time I could see some frustration on his sweaty face.

"Fine, there will do." Alison shrugged before she marched away, holding onto her clipboard.

"Fuck me." Axl let out a huff as he used the bottom of his singlet to wipe the sweat from his face.

"You okay?" I asked Duff once he approached me. He looked pretty relieved to be finished with Alison's pickiness.

"Yeah, I'm alright." He nodded. "A little hot though."

"I've noticed." I allowed my eyes to trace over his body, teasingly. "It's definitely hot out here, just look at you." I bit my lip.

Duff chuckled and wrapped his sweaty arms around me. "I'm hot for you baby." He flirts before leaning down and planting a wet kiss on my lips.

"I can tell." I smiled, my eyes dropping back down to his pants to see them get a little tight.

"Whatcha reckon Shell? We ditch the bachelorette and batchelor party and have our own private party?" Duff offered, making an effort to give my breast a squeeze.

"I don't think Ali would allow it." I state. "And Izz would be disappointed if you didn't make it to his party."

"I know." Duff whined. "I just want to spend time with my beautiful girl."

"And we can, once the wedding is over and done with! We can even sneak off during the reception if you want, but today, it's not possible." I stepped closer to Duff and wrapped my arms around his sweaty body.

"You promise?" Duff cocked his eyebrow, sliding his arms around my body and pulling me right against him.

"Pinky promise." I nodded my head.

"I'm surprised." Duff notes only seconds later, which had me wondering why. I guess that was exactly what Duff wanted, he wanted me to be curious.

"Why's that?" I replied.

"All the chicks I've ever dated have had a total meltdown if I touched them while sweaty." He explains, which made me laugh.

"Well I'm no princess. We all sweat, I'm not bothered by it." I shrugged, smiling up at him.

"What about now?" Duff chuckled, removing one arm from around me and raising it to reveal his armpit, while he did this, he attempted to bring his armpit over to my face.

Infatuated With You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now