Chapter Two

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Sunday night: Los Angeles

"Holy hell! How can we afford staying at a place like this?" I questioned as we gathered our enormous suitcases from the taxi's boot, placing them onto the driveway.

"I've got connections all around this joint." She smirked, dusting herself off.

"You didn't bribe somebody for us to stay here? Did you?'' I asked with concern in the tone of my voice. It wouldn't surprise me, Alison was all over that kind of stuff. No matter what, Alison could always get what she wanted, even if she had to do anything for it. Well, not quite as low as you might be thinking.

"Don't be stupid, of course not. I have friends who live here, we will be staying with them." Alison pauses for a moment. "And of course, you'll have to meet my boyfriend." She grinned like a mad women, almost literally.

"What?! You have a boyfriend? Since when?" I crossed my arms over my chest, tiredly. I was her best friend and she couldn't tell me she had a boyfriend? Hell no. As far as I was aware, she was single and ready to mingle. At least that was what I thought.

"Because I didn't know how to break it to you. I thought you were better off meeting him before I said something. Plus when you know who my friends are, and who my boyfriend is, they might just stop you from killing me." She said with a slight smile. "You will love me when you meet them, believe me."

I nodded my head without bothering to reply and picked up my suitcase. I wasn't too impressed, but you know, I can't stay mad now can I?

"I can't wait to see your face." Alison muttered as we began to walk towards the mansion sized house. Or should I say large house? It seemed as though houses in America were twice the size of an ordinary house in Australia. So at this stage, I wasn't sure whether it was classed as a house or a mansion. It was one or the other.

Smiling nervously as we made our way through the front door of the house, my eyes wandered all about the interior. It was beautiful, simply decorated, but with the lily white walls, it was stunning. Couldn't have been smokers, the walls wouldn't be as clean. The house sure was like a paradise home, to me. It was the legitimate meaning to a dream house, very big, maybe too big for me. But if I was offered it, there would be no doubt in my mind I would accept it with open arms.

"It's a beautiful house." I say in awe, still making sure to take in every little detail.

"It is. I just happened to help them choose it." She smiled, looking proud.

"You've always loved the flashy things, so it doesn't surprise me." I giggled, teasing her.

Alison sent me a slight glare before her lips tugged into a small smile again. "I suppose you're not wrong."

"No. I'm not. So, are your friends home?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I noticed how stuffy the house seemed to have felt, it was as if nobody had been inside for months. On the bits of furniture and decor, there was a layer of dust and when Alison and I weren't talking, it was deadly silent. So that gave me the impression nobody had been around

"No. They don't come home until tomorrow night, sometime." She answered, dropping her suitcase down into the lounge room. She then dived onto the lounge, laying back comfortably while giving me a cheesy smile.

"So they obviously don't know we were coming?" I raised an eyebrow at Alison.

"Of course they know." She nodded her head, looking rather nervous.

Just by the way she spoke and her facial expressions changing, was enough for me to know that she was lying. Alison had always been a bad liar, I picked her up on it various times. Although she claimed she was one of the best, she was also not too persuasive when she stated that.

"Liar. They don't know, do they?" I placed my suitcase next to hers and folded my arms over my chest.

"Maybe not." She squeaked, finally telling the truth.

"Shit. Alison, you know you should have told them! Maybe I should stay at a motel tonight and tomorrow night, until they come home." I think aloud, making sure it was loud enough to grasp Alison's attention.

"Don't you dare! Shelia you have to trust me! We will be fine." She points her finger at me, giving me her stern but commanding expression. The same one she gave me every time I denied or refused to do something she wanted me to do.

"Fine. But if we get into trouble, or your friends get pissed, I'm going to give you an earful." I huffed, turning away from Alison and finally smirking to myself. While we were here, I might as well explore.

Walking out of the lounge room, I wandered further down and found myself standing by the kitchen. It was a decent sized kitchen too, with a deep stainless steel sink and marble benches, it was absolutely stunning. The size of the fridge they had, a white French double door... I had never seen one so damn big. I swore you could fit a whole two people in the fridge side and another in the freezer side. Wandering further, I found myself staring into another area that had instruments randomly sitting about on stands. They were musicians?

"Shelia, where are you?" Alison sung out, sounding like she was still sprawled out on the lounge, in the lounge room.

"Out here." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Where's out here?" She returned, still sounding like she hadn't moved.

"Exactly where it sounds." I smirked, listening in closely as I admired the acoustic guitar nearby.

Alison soon made her way through the house and over to me. She shook her head and allowed a smirk to play on her lips once again. She took a step closer and stood beside me, her own eyes scoping the area in front of us.

"Play music, do they?" I turned my head and connected eyes with her dark brown ones.

"Yeah they do. They're extremely good at it too." She nodded, looking like she didn't know what else to say, without giving it away to me.

"So tell me, who lives here?" I asked smiling, hoping I'd catch her off guard and get an answer out of her. Sometimes I managed to do it, other times, I wasn't so successful.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. I want to see if you can figure it out for yourself, otherwise you will have to wait until tomorrow. Now come along, I will show you to your room." She grabbed me by my wrist, taking me with her.

"You're mean." I sighed, shaking my head defeated.

"No I'm not." She giggled, it was in a high pitch too, which usually meant she was being pleased with herself.

On the way back through the house, we collected our suitcases and walked up the flight of stairs.

"Now this is your room. Shell, we better get some rest, it's late. So the towels are in the closet, if you want to take a shower. Also feel free to transfer your clothes into the closet too. Night." She shut my door and leaving me to do my own thing.

My room was huge, it was easily double the size of my bedroom in my house back in Brisbane. In the centre of the room was a queen sized bed with clean looking blankets and pillowcases. To the left of the bed was a door, which I assumed for the size of the room, led to the bathroom. To the right of the bed was a large wooden cupboard with a bookshelf against the back wall near the exit. It was most definitely plain, very clean and very simple, but I liked it.

Deciding that I should head off to bed and try and get some kind of sleep, I stripped out of my clothes and dug for some pyjamas in my suitcase. Once I was dressed and ready for bed, I switched off the light and wandered over to the foreign queen size bed. Judging by how Alison had been talking, I would be using this bed for a long period of time. Not that I minded all too much, it was a nice but a very big change.

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