Chapter Thirty

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It had to of been around ten in the morning that I had gotten up. I had gotten dressed quietly, trying my hardest not to try and awaken Duff. He looked so damn cute as he slept, so I was happy for him to continue sleeping for as long as he liked. I on the other hand had to get out of bed and do something. Last night had been a big night of drinking, but I woke up feeling completely fine. Wasn't sure about everyone else, but considering that on my way through the house that I spotted Slash and Axl passed out on the lounge room floor and Steven passed out in the kitchen, they would be sick as a dog. Carefully having to tiptoe over each and every one of them twice, I headed out my back door with the shed keys in hand. I was going to do a little work on my car, it just gave me something to do and it really was something that I enjoyed. Stopping at the centre of my roll-up door, I placed the key into the lock and jiggled it. The lock always got stuck, WD40 always came to the rescue for it, so it was about time I gave it a little squirt again. Once I managed to unlock it, I pulled out the key and pushed up the roll-up door and walked into the shed. Hopefully the noise of the door didn't wake anyone up, it wasn't quiet. Going over to the light switch, I flicked it on and watched as it took a moment to turn on.

"Morning Shelia." A voice startled me.

Trying my hardest not to shriek, I turned around to see Izzy standing just outside of my shed. He had just lit up and cigarette and inhaled the smoke.

"Morning Izzy, you are up a little early." I state.

"Yeah, can't sleep anymore." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Alison on the other hand, we won't see her til late this afternoon I suspect." He added.

"I'm not surprised." I smiled. "She was well beyond wasted last night." I walked over to my car that was covered in a blue tarp. Picking off one of the bricks from the roof, I placed it down onto the ground.

"This is the car?" Izzy cocked an eyebrow as he took a few steps into the shed.

"Sure is." I nodded, grabbing the second brick from the roof of the car.

"You mind if I?" Izzy gestured to pull off the tarp.

"Go for gold." I answered with a small nod.

With one big tug, Izzy ripped the tarp off of the car and allowed it to drop onto the ground. There was a small layer of dust that had blew up into the air causing me to sneeze, so I had to take a moment and walk out of the shed for some fresh air. Otherwise my allergies would be going completely wild.

"This is Australian muscle?" Izzy asked just as he darted the cigarette in between his lips again.

"Sure is." I smiled enthusiastically. "She's a beauty, right?" I murmured, watching as Izzy slowly rounded the car.

"SLR 5000?" He commented.

"She's a '77 Holden Torana. 8 cylinders, a 5 litre and is a beautiful manual. Only has 50000 kilometres on the speedo." I explained to Izzy, assuming he would have an idea of cars.

"I'm not real familiar on kilometres, what's that in miles?" Izzy blew out smoke and attempted to open the car door. That would be a struggle, from memory they were all locked.

Shit, I wasn't good with maths. So there was something like 1.6 kilometres to a mile. Where is a calculator when I needed one? I wouldn't even know where I put mine from university.

"I'm only guessing, about 30000 miles? Give or take." I shrugged. "You'll need this for that." I added, grabbing the keys from my pocket and quickly dangling them in front of Izzy.

Izzy popped his cigarette into his mouth and held out both hands, signalling for me to chuck him the keys. I didn't mind, as long as they didn't hit the car.

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