Chapter Twenty Five

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It was that night of the day that Alison and I went shopping for her wedding dress, everyone was laying about, enjoying each other's company. Alison and I were all set for her wedding, Alison did in fact buy the eight hundred dollar dress and all up, including the veil, the shoes and for the dress to be fitted to her properly, it costed about twelve hundred dollars. It was a lot of money, but Alison didn't mind handing it over. While we had been shopping, we had managed to find the perfect bridesmaid dresses. They were red, something I wasn't that fond of, but they were what Alison wanted and I guess they were nice. It was lacy like the red lace over Alison's wedding dress and lengthened to about my knees, but it sure was tight around my chest and abdomen. Alison had bought three of them, one for myself and the other two were for Ivory and Mary, depending if she was willing to return back so soon. The shoes to match? They were just like Alison's but instead of being white, they were completely red. To be honest? I was a little intimidated about wearing the stilettos, I could do heels, but they were just a little too tall for me. Alison reasured me though, exclaiming that I would be fine wearing them. Yeah, I wasn't convinced one bit.

So of course forking out eighteen hundred dollars for the entire lot of dresses, shoes and her own dress and shoes, it was quite a huge spending spree. One of which I was a little unsettled about, Alison hadn't allowed me to give her money towards my outfit, all she said was to buy her and Izzy a wedding gift and she would be pleased about that.

"Aye guys!" Slash and Steven bounded around the corner. I hadn't seen them all day and now that I had, I knew why. They were both pretty tipsy and stunk of alcohol. "Steve and I have came up with a game! Thought it would be fun since you guys are fucking off to Australia for a few days." Slash had a huge smile across his face.

"What is it?" Axl asked, he looked keen for whatever they had in mind.

"So it's a shots game." Steven chuckled. "We have a heap of shots lined up, filled of anything and every kind of alcohol we can find in this god-damn place. We get a ping-pong ball and throw it into the shots. Whatever the ball lands into, you gotta drink. No if's - no but's, you landed in it, you drink it." Steven explained.

"So it's just a game to get you wasted?" Axl clarifies.

Slash and Steven looked at one another before nodding their heads. "Yeah." Slash answers.

Axl thought for a moment before nodding himself. "Fuck, I'm keen."

"Splendid! We have our first participant." Steven claps his hands together. "Anyone else?"

"I'm game!" Alison stuck her hand up in the air, she was very enthusiastic about it.

"Yeah, alright." Izzy nodded, he didn't sound as pleased about it as his near future wife or Axl for that matter.

"Now that only leaves you two." Slash's eyes darted directly to me. I wasn't sure if I was that keen on playing the game, only due to I knew how I would end up feeling tomorrow after the game. I would be as sick as a dog.

"Oh yeah, sounds fucking good." Duff nodded his head. He then turned his attention to me, looking expectant for an answer. At that point, it felt like everyone was looking at me and of course, I was starting to feel the pressure. Did I really want to play? Or wasn't I that interested.

"I don't know if I should." I mumbled.

"Oh come on baby, don't be like that." Slash whined, giving me a charming smile.

"Yeah babe, you should play." Duff nudged me. "It will be fun."

"Not tomorrow it won't be." I shook my head with a frown.

"Baby, that's not how you are meant to think about a night on the booze. You are suppose to think about all the fucking fun you'll have, not the consequences the next day." Slash tried to hype me up.

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