Chapter thirty two

Start from the beginning

My body has change dramatically already these last twenty four weeks, leaving me to develop stretch marks, weight gain due to cravings and feeding for two. There is no way he could find me attractive looking like this, surely. I looked like a whale.

The doctor when about her way running the wand over my gel covered stomach and typing things into the computer as images of my baby flickered on the computer screen for Trace and I to see. I shyly turn to look at him sat beside me and see him looking at my baby on the screen rather intently.

He looked deep in thought which worried me a little. Maybe he was having second thoughts? Realising wanting to date someone who was pregnant was a big reality check and will become too much hassle to handle. He'll be out of here like a shot, I just know it and I'll be all on my own again.

"You're not put off yet?" I joke half heartedly but really fear sat behind it. I just wanted to know what he was thinking.

"Not at all," he reassures me. "This is all very exciting." He tells me with a wide smile making me smile in return.

"Have you felt any movement from the baby yet?" the doctor asks making me frown.

"Uh, no, not yet."

"Not to worry, this is the month when you will start to feel the baby kick, so be prepare because it can happen any day now." She informs me making me grin to myself. I couldn't wait to feel them finally kick.

"Do we know the gender of the baby yet?" Trace asks out of the blue taking me by surprise.

The doctor smiles sweetly at Trace before looking at me for permission.

"You're 24 weeks, we should be able to find out the sex today if you would like to know?"

I was a little taken back from her question. I didn't think I'd be able to know until ages yet, not that I wanted to know anyway.

I haven't given much thought in finding out the gender of my baby. Despite Alex who couldn't wait to find out what I'm having, I haven't exactly had the same enthusiasm. With Oli not in the picture I just thought there was no point finding out until the baby was born. It's the sort of news you share with the father of your baby and love of your life like most couples do, but unfortunately I didn't have that opportunity, therefore I didn't want to know.

I wasn't that fussed about the gender, as long as the baby was healthy and breathing, that was all that mattered to me.

"Come on Josh you gotta find out what the baby is, it's the most exciting part." Trace pleads, squeezing my hand.

I hadn't notice I had gone quiet but after seeing the excitement on Trace's face, it was more than enough encouragement to change my mind. He's being really great lately, the least I could do was do this for him.

"Fine, okay, let's find out what it is." I smile in defeat suddenly feeling all giddy with new flutters of excitement inside me.

"Great, let's see what this little buddle of joy is shall we." My doctor says cheerfully and went about her way to find out the sex of my baby.

"I bet you a tenner it's a girl." Trace cheekily adds in his prediction.

"Alex wants it to be a girl, he says I've had enough trouble with boys to last me a life time. A girl would make a nice change." I chuckle whilst rubbing my hand on top of my bump and smiling down at it.

As much as I was excited to know, I didn't mind what they were. I'd love them unconditionally no matter what.

I see my doctor pause her actions and held a frown upon her brows which made me nervous. Was there something wrong?

I Knew You Were Trouble - (Fransykes)Where stories live. Discover now