Chapter 64

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I’m lead through countless hallways in the arena by Harry’s bodyguard, rolling my eyes at the way he calls me ‘madam’ despite the number of times I’ve met him. 

“He’s just up there at the moment.” He gestures to some silver stairs surrounded by darkness.

“Can I go up there?” I question, the evidence of my shopping exploits is now in the bodyguard’s arms after he insisted on putting them in the car because I’m incapable of doing anything for myself. And now I’m in a bitter, horrible mood after running into Louis.  And he’s probably here somewhere, which has me completely on edge.

“If you wish.” He nods, walking away from me and I walk up the shaky silver steps, met with  a beaming light as I find myself standing on a black platform….a enormous black platform. I’m on stage, looking out at hundreds of empty seats. Wow.

“Holy shit.” I mutter to myself, walking further out onto stage and looking around the large arena, I can’t believe how many people they play to. It’s insane, all of these people watching their every move. No matter how many times I’m exposed to this part of Harry’s life, I will never truly be able to comprehend it.

“There you are.” His voice surprises me as I spin around on the spot to face him.

“Hiii.” I grin, suddenly aware of how badly I want to kiss him hello but can’t because there’s people around. Well this is going to suck.

“Hello to you too. Where’s your shopping?”

“Your personal assistant took it.” I say with a smirk.

“Don’t let him hear you call him that, BODY GUARD.” He emphasises.
“Sure sure.” I roll my eyes sarcastically.

“Still, I was hoping you could show me that bra in person.” He frowns.

“I still can.” I tug down the neckline of my jumper just enough to reveal the top part of the pale purple cup, the part laced in white.

“Tease.” He growls, stepping dangerously close to me.

“Uh uh uh. Not too close.” I waggle my finger in front of him and he frowns again.

“Such a tease!” He groans.

“We’re in public.” I scold, stepping backwards, not realising how close to the edge of the stage I am because I feel my back start to fall before Harry grabs hold of my wrist, yanking me back up so I can secure my footing.

“You’re such a safety hazard.” He laughs, his fingers burning my wrist with the electricity they send through me.

“I honestly can’t believe you play to this many people every night.” I start to walk the expanse of the stadium, a long runway leads through the middle of where the mosh pit would be.

“Well, not every night.” He shrugs.

“You know what I mean, this is crazy.” I am absolutely stunned by how many people will occupy this arena tonight, seeing it from this point of view completely changes my perspective. How intimidating.

“So, what are you gonna sing for us tonight Lola Jones?!” Harry yells, putting on a mock presenter’s voice.

“A personal favourite of mine, Gotta be you by the fabulous, hardcore rockband One Direction!” I giggle.

“Take it away!” He yells, his voice echoing through the large, empty area.

I turn around to face him, looking up into his eyes, blinking rapidly in an attempt to mock his cliché video clip. “Boy I see it your eyes you’re disappointed…cause something something something with your heart…and I tore it apart.” I sing, horribly, as always.

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