Chapter 48

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I bang my pen against my desk in frustration, spinning around to look outside the large glass window at the beautiful high-rise buildings that surrounded the building my own office is in. A feeling of dread has hung around me all morning, making it damn near impossible for me to concentrate. Tonight is my last night with Louis, his flight leaves at 8am tomorrow, and I can’t even drive him to the airport because it will be hectic. I desperately wish we could have the kind of goodbye you see in the movies, where it isn’t goodbye, it’s ‘I’ll be seeing you’ and the lead couple have a dramatic farewell at the departure gates of the airport, the male protagonist walking away with tears building in his eyes, till he turns back and she runs towards him again, throwing her arms around his neck in one last kiss to relish before months apart. But nothing in my life is that graceful or epic even, not when I’m dating Louis Tomlinson. I don’t know why I bothered to come in today. I figured I had so much to do I couldn’t possibly miss work to spend another day in bed with him. Now that I’m here, being ridiculously unproductive, I’m sort of wishing I had skipped work.

It’s the oddest feeling for me now- having work as the second priority in my life. For as long as I can remember all I thought about was my career, where I was going, how I would get there. It was all about working my 8:30-5 job, but never leaving at 5 and coming in way earlier than 8:30. It was all about proving myself, being the best I could be and making my mark on the law industry like my mother and my Grandad did. How could one boy change all of that? It’s incredulous, even to me, and slightly unbelievable. I think that’s why I’m so terrified of him leaving, will I struggle to concentrate on work and the big move? Will he occupy my every thought, or will I delve back into my career-focused life that has been on the backburner these past three months? I hope the latter, for the sake of my sanity and my career

If I met me now, I don’t know if I would recognize myself. The old me would never be contemplating ditching work, ditching New York and my career for a couple of weeks and following Louis around Australia. No, the old me would laugh in my face at the mere notion of prioritising anything other than my career. The idea is so tempting though, and one I’ve subconsciously considered a lot these past few days.

At one o’clock I call it a day, switching off my computer and vowing I will be more productive tomorrow once Louis is travelling across an ocean on his way to a completely different country on the other side of the world. Yes, then I’ll be able to focus. Everything will go back to normal, except I will have a boyfriend that will most likely invade my mind more often than not, leave a longing and aching feeling in my body when he’s not around, and hopefully he will interrupt me at work with international phone calls.

I stop off home on my way to Louis’, change into sweats and feed Marius, giving him a cuddle and promising I will be around more from tomorrow onwards.

Louis is more than happy to see me, pushing me up against the wall the second I walk through his front door, urgent lips finding mine and his tongue forcing entry between my only slightly parted lips. How am I supposed to go months without this?

He moves his lips down across my neck, kissing tentatively; my back arches against the wall as an involuntary moan leaves my mouth.

He pulls his lips away, coming face to face with me, clear blue eyes staring into mine. “What was that for?” I ask with a lazy smile.

“Just wanting to make the most of having you around.” He says, pressing his fingers into my hips, keeping me pinned to the wall.

“Well, with that in mind…” I raise my eyebrows, hooking my arms around his neck and re-connecting my lips to his, kissing urgently and desperately, making mental notes of exactly how this feels so I can think about it when he’s gone….thinking just won’t be the same as this feeling, all my nerve endings are electrified with the need I have for him, my underwear are surely soaking at this point and as my head bangs against the wall from the force of his hips pressing into mine, I let out a throaty groan.

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