Chapter 4: Friends & Benefits

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My head hurts. It's too heavy to lift off the pillow. Last night...last night. "If you had to get with one of us..who would it be?" ..."You." Nooooo why? Why had I said that. God if I'd just Niall...or Louis, or anyone else it would've been fine. But no. I had to say him. Fuckkkk.

I'm too hungover to deal with this crap. And I have to spend the rest of the day unpacking my stuff and getting on top of some work. Jesus Christ.

"I hope you feel better than you look." Harry comes into the room, handing me a cup of tea and then opening the blinds.

"Harsh." I scowl. "But no..I don't, I feel bloody horrible. You're a bad influence on me Styles."

"I'm sorry but it was all your own doing. Champagne...mixed with shots...mixed with my rum. It was a recipe for disaster...and singstar."

I choke, "Singstar? I played Singstar with you lot in the room?" Oh Jesus. How did I manage to erase that from my memory but not saying I would do him. Fuck fuck fuck. This is why I don't drink. This is why I don't do relationships or crushes or anything. Its too distracting and bad things happen.

"You were suprsingly good." He chuckles, helping me sit up properly as I sip my tea.


"Yeah you were pretty horrible, but your dancing made up for it." He laughs even harder, remembering things that I clearly don't.

"You're mean. That explains my sore foot though." My ankle is throbbing, I bet I fell over.

"Yeah you fell over..." He is still laughing.

"Meanie. I have so much work to do before I go back tomorrow. Wahhhh."

"You'll be fine. I know you, you always get stuff done just in time."

"I like to get it done way ahead of time but." I whine, I'm still in last night's clothes which looks so classy.

"That's because you're a nerd. Come on, I'm making you breakfast." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of bed. Harry don't touch me, you have no idea what that does.

"Have the other's gone?" I question, I don't want to go out there in yesterday's clothes and have them all sitting there.

"yeah, it's just us." My favourite group of people, just us.


After eating Harry's delicious breakfast feast that my stomach desperately needed, Harry and I retired to the lounge room.

"I should go home, I have so much stuff to do." I try to stand up but I'm too full and to hung over to muster the energy.

"Let me come, I'll help you unpack. Besides, I don't think you're sober enough to drive yet." He tells me.

"No, Harry it's fine. I don't need any help." What I need is time away from you because being around you makes it hard for me to focus on anything else.

"You do. You said it yourself, you have lots to do." He tries to persuade me, standing up and pulling me up off the couch, both his hands linked in my hands. My eyes meet his and for a second I think his are looking into mine like I'm looking into his, differently to ever before, adoringly almost.

"Harry, no. It's fine. I have to go." I disconnect my hands from his and push past him, grabbing my bag and keys as I walk quickly out the front door.

Harry's right, I'm not sober enough to drive. I focus very carefully on obeying road rules, not driving too fast or too slow. I manage to make it home safely without being pulled over.

My head is cloudy, the only thing in focus is Harry, as I do my paperwork and finish unpacking the rest of my stuff. Oh Jesus, what a mess I've made.

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