Chapter 41

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"Stop stressing, you look great." Louis rests his hands on my shoulders and looks at me through the mirror. "Breathe." He instructs and I follow his orders, taking a deep breath, watching my chest rise and fall in the mirror.

I don't know why I'm so nervous. Louis and I have been in public before. We went to the shops, surely that should've taken away the initial nerves....but it didn't, and tonight has so much more pressure. It's an actual event, with a really intimidating guest list.

"I think I should wear the other one." I point to the metallic gold dress on the bed.

"No, we have to go. I like this one better." He runs his fingers down my sides, feeling the black sheer material of my dress. I do like it...I just don't know if it's too simple. The neck line is interesting, jutting in from the shoulders and curving around quite high around the neck. Its tightened at my waist by a shiny black belt, and theres a soft black overlay on the edges of the bottom half of the dress. In an attempt to spice it up, I put on a pair of turqouise heels and grab my clutch of the same colour. "Okay, you win. Let's go." I agree, running my fingers through my curled hair and quickly checking my dark eye make up to make sure it hasn't smudged.

I feel a bit on edge in the back of the car with Louis, something about bodyguards freaks me out. I'm glad Louis' protected but that doesn't stop me from wondering what would happen if he didn't have a bodyguard present at all's creepy and my mind makes a frightening link to John Lennon.

"Are you okay? You went really pale..." Louis says, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"I'm fine." I clear my throat and take a deep breath, looking at him with a smile.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" He asks, leaning in close to me and kissing my cheek, a grin spreading automatically across my face as he does.

"You have...several times. You don't look so bad yourself." I poke his chest. He does look as chic as ever in a white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and a black blazer over the top.

"Why thank you." He smirks and I connect my lips to his, he kisses me back gently, wrapping his arm around my waist and digging his fingers into my skin through my dress, effectively deepening the kiss. His lips have a very relaxing effect on me and I don't feel as nervous anymore.

"I think if you weren't a singer you'd definitely have a career in professional kissing." I joke and he laughs.

"I think there's a name for that...male escort?" I tease and he groans. "So what exactly is this charity event again?" I ask.

"I've told you this, its like an auction. Me and the boys are being auctioned off, and all proceeds go to charity."

"Auctioned off?" I scoff, stifling a laugh.

"Yeah, like for a date. The highest bidder gets to go on a date with whoever they bid on, and gets a kiss at the end." He says casually. A KISS?

"A kiss!?" I ask, acting shocked and a little jealous.

"On the cheek...I think." He winks. Damn him for being so adorable. "You don't have to bid on me." He says, seriously.

"Yeah thought I might bid on Zayn, I mean Harry did say him or Liam would be next..." I say, my tone very dry and Louis laughs, but I can tell he doesn't find it that hilarious. Too soon perhaps.

"I'm serious, don't feel like you have to, and anything you bid I will pay."

"Don't be ridiculous..and patronising." I shake my head at him.

"Sorry but just wanted you to know that I will."

"Well I don't want you to, I'm a lawyer, I have my own money. Can we just kiss again, I don't like this conversation." I frown at him.

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