Chapter 6: Charades

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"I can't believe that just happened." Harry breathes, laying down beside me, his chest moving up and down rapidly. Does he regret it?

"Me either." It exceeded all my expectations.

"One minute you were crying and the next minute you were...well a different kind of crying." He laughs with a proud smile on his face. I swat his chest.

"Cheeky." I scowl. Oh man, I have the best view in the world right now. Harry Styles naked in my bed, smiling. I run my fingers down his chest, over the defined lines of his muscles. Wow.

"Your body is incredible as your mind." I tell him. It's true, I'm infatuated by his looks, but it's his personality that really sucks me in, intoxicates me really.

"You can talk. Who knew what was hiding under those corporate clothes?" He pulls the cover off me and stares at me a little longer before pulling it back up.

That was hands down the best sex of my life. I rest my chin on his chest so I can look him in the eyes, god those eyes- so hypnotising, so easy to be lost in. Wrapping my arm around his stomach, I huddle against him, breathing in that incredible scent.

"I can't believe you wanted me...all this time." He smirks. Not really all this time, more like a few weeks. Maybe I have wanted him all this time and I just never realised it.

"Mmm. You're pretty irresistible." I kiss his chest.

"Am I now?" He says, pretending he doesn't realise his affect on me...on everyone really. Surely he has to know that my knees go weak when he smiles at me, or the way his finger is traces up and down my stomach currently is giving me goosebumps.

"You are." I peck his cheek.

The heavy rain pelting down on the terrace outside gives us an excuse to stay in bed all day. It's perfect. Everything I ever wanted and more. His fingers entwine with mine, playfully tugging and squeezing, then comparing hand size before playing with my fingers once again. He is constantly touching me, softly and gently but then poking and priding too. It's all perfect and I never want him to leave this cocoon.

We laugh and smile all day, talking about everything and nothing. Reminiscing over the past four years, reminiscing over the past couple of hours, just basking in each others company.

"Char?" He says, his fingers playing with my dirty tangled hair as I lay across his chest.

"Yes Harry?"

"If you could be anything in the world, do any job I mean, what would you be?"

"If I could do anything, I would spend everyday like this." I smile fondly and gesture to him who looks incredible with his post-coital glow.

"Me too. But career wise?" He asks cautiously.

"Well. I would be a lawyer." I say, confident in my career choice.

"Would you actually though? Or do you just feel like you have to be because this is what you've wanted for so long, and now it doesn't quite measure up to your expectations?" He questions, he knows me too well.

"I don't know. Some days I love it, and I can't imagine doing anything else. But then somedays it's just not great, you know? And I wonder if I've wasted all this time and energy on becoming this idea, this idea of a person who I thought would make me happy if I became that person, and now it's not what I imagined." I tell him, he's the only person I would ever admit this to.

"So what would you do, if you could do anything at all in the world other than being a lawyer?" He repeats.

"A model." I say with mock conviction and he bursts into a fit of laughter. I love that sound.

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