Chapter 13: Fresh Start Fever

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Louis: How's work?

Me: Yeah it's okay. I have alot of big cases at the moment so I'm glad I don't have yours to deal with as well ;)

Louis: Haha glad to be of service.

Me: How's your day going?

Louis: Yeah good...I think I'm going to meet up with Liam and write a bit.

Me: Oh really? Ahh thats awesome, I wish I was creative :(

Louis: I'm sure you are in your own way :) Speaking of...when do I get to see this cartwheel? You promised!

Me: How do you remember that? You'll never get to see me cartwheel.

Louis: Well that's just not fair! Ugh what is this weather? It's so depressing.

Me: I know, it's spoiling my gorgeous view of London.

Louis: I bet it is.

Today is Wednesday and it has been a good day, work is pretty uneventful but Louis' texts are keeping me occupied. Still no word from Harry. Each day I lose hope and the realisation sinks in yet again that he's done with me and there's nothing I can do.

At least I have Louis. He's been such a great friend lately, keeping me distracted on Valentine's Day and texting me constantly.

Not in the mood to cook, I order chinese and sit in front of the tv watching trashy tv all night. It's raining and I'm using it as an excuse to be lazy and not do any work. It's getting late and I should really go to sleep soon, one more episode. Thunder crackles outside and there's a loud bang against the door on the terrace. Fuck! My stomach fills with fear and I almost tremble.

There's flashes of lightning and cracks of thunder alternating frequently until the lights go out, leaving me alone in the dark terrified. I hate living alone sometimes.

I can't tell if it's the lightning making me seeing things, but I'm almost a hundred percent sure I just saw shadows out on the terrance. Is there someone out there?

The banging on the glass door persists and I am actually shaking. I know I should call Louis, or Niall even. But Harry is the only person I want right now. I creep through my apartment to my room and take my phone off charge. Now I'm not only terrified that someone's on my terrace, but I'm also trembling with nerves of having to contact Harry for the first time since our blow up.

I jump on the spot as a large bang rings through the apartment, like the sound of something colliding with the glass door. Oh god, I can't do this anymore. I press call and my stomach fills with butterflies as the phone rings.

"Char?" He questions, the confusion and shock in his voice is evident despite how much he tried to hide it.

"Harry I'm sorry to call but I'm. So. Scared." I start sobbing, what is wrong with me?

"Char calm down, whats wrong?"

"I think there's someone on the terrace. I saw something and the power's out and there's all this banging and Harry I'm so scared." I cry like a pathetic wimp, I've taken refuge in my bathroom with the door locked.

"Relax, Char it's okay. I"m sure it's nothing. I'm coming over."

"Thank you Harry." I hang up and feel even more terrified now that I'm completely alone again. Just hearing his voice made me feel better. The apartment is full of noise from outside, thunder, heavy rain, and the banging. It's like someone is knocking on the door but not like a normal knocking, like a urgent, uncontrollable knocking. I'm so scared, I feel like I"m going to throw up, I'm busting to go to the toilet from being nervous and I can't stop crying as I crouch against the wall on the floor of the bathroom. The lights come back on after a little while, but I'm still too scared to move. Instead of providing comfort, the lights make me feel exposed like I'm no longer hidden.

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