Chapter 56

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A/N: Listen to the song at the side (media tab for mobile) as you read (Out of reach- Gabrielle), I will put a little note when I recommend you start playing it, it will help you understand her mood.

The sound of buzzing wakes me from my deep, deep sleep. I groan as I roll onto my side, trying not to let my mind think about last night just yet. It’s too early, I’m too sleepy and I just don’t think my brain is quite ready to process…and regret.

The buzzing isn’t coming from my phone for once, instead from the security intercom, presumably someone wanting to be let up. What time do you call this? It has to be earlier than 6am.

I look at the clock on my way to the lift doors where the intercom is located, wrapping a silk dressing gown around me as I go. It’s 7am…FUCK! Work! Wait…what day is it?

“Who is it?” I say, holding down the button.

“Linda…who you affectionately nicknamed RBF last night.” She says with a laugh.

“RBF…?” I question, wondering how the hell my brain works half the time.

“Replacement best friend.” She giggles.

“Oh! Shit. Come on up.” I buzz her up, sitting myself down on the couch and rubbing either side of my temple in an attempt to rid my mind of the horrible headache it is enduring.

“RBF brought you coffee. Can she please be promoted to just BF?” Linda says snarkily when she emerges from the lift, she’s wearing sweats but still looks like she’s going to a black tie event.

“Definitely. I’m sorry, you know you’re my best friend…” I drag out my sentence.

“Now that Harry’s not around you mean?” She says with a smile, she’s not actually mad. Harry had always been my best friend, but he wasn’t always around, but Linda was, so she kind of handled everything Harry didn’t. So bitchy of drunk me to call her replacement best friend though…

“Basically.” I say sarcastically, my hands warming up from the hot coffee she just handed me.  “Legend.” I praise her as she takes a seat beside me on the couch, sitting cross-legged.

“I know I am.” She says proudly. “How are you feeling today?” She asks, forcing me to reflect on last night.

“Fine.” I say nonchalantly. I do feel fine. Last night was…a low point. But I’m fine now, I just needed to go through all of that mess to detach myself from this awful situation. There’s people dying Lola, so what if you’re boyfriend of barely a month cheated on you with their ex? You’re in no position to judge. My subconscious remains unaffected by the excessive alcohol consumption last night, up on her high horse and guilting me out of my self pity session. She’s right though.

I’m Charlotte Jones, I don’t let boys affect me like this. No way.

“What day is it?” I ask her, remembering I have to go to work…I think.

“Saturday.” She looks at me like I’m insane.


“Wow what?” She questions.
“I move in a week.” I say, dumbfounded. But all of a sudden that doesn’t feel soon enough. “Scratch that, I want to leave as soon as possible…tomorrow, tonight, today.” A plane flight far away from here sounds great to me right now, this whole city is shrouded in memories and I don’t care for the reminder.

“Don’t be ridiculous, a week is soon enough.” She dismisses me but my mind is already flicking over the ways I can make it happen to leave today.

“I’m not being ridiculous. I’m serious. Work doesn’t need me, the real estate agent is going to find someone to rent this place out, I’m all packed basically, except for the office and a few things in my wardrobe but I can finish that tonight, my grandparent’s apartment is waiting for me in New York. There’s nothing keeping me here.” I say confidently.

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