Chapter 49

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It’s been surprisingly easy to concentrate on work now that Louis isn't in London. I know I won’t hear from him for at least twenty-four hours, but I’m using twitter to keep updated on his location. Already I’ve seen pictures of fans waiting at the airport in Perth, Australia and it looks insane. There’s at least two hundred of them shoved into a very small space, and I know Niall in particular will be a little overwhelmed by it all, I don’t think you ever get used to that kind of reception, and he’s mentioned to me in the past his fear of confined spaces, and that’s why he used to take the stairs up to my apartment instead of the lift when he came to visit me.

I hadn’t seen Niall properly since Louis and I got together which is saddening, I was getting used to our new friendship and without being in the same country, we won’t have the chance to get as close as we could have if we were both in London. I think I was hoping he would replace Harry in my life, but no one ever could compare to the friendship Harry and I had.

“Would you like to run through the next few weeks?” Allie asks, standing in my doorway with my calendar diary in hand.

“Yes, sounds perfect, take a seat.” I tell her.

“So the rest of this week you have some client appointments and one court appearance, just things you need to finish up before you go. Next week you will mostly be communicating with the Human Resources co-ordinator in New York, compiling lists of everything you need to do before the office is up and running. Now we’ve sent in your application for the bar exam, but the next one isn’t till July so the good news is you’ll be have plenty of time to study, but the bad news is you won’t be able to practice any law until then. Now you’re set to leave on Saturday in four week time, your flight as been booked but we still have to arrange for accommodation. Speaking of, the application for an emergency work VISA is under deliberation currently but we should hear by the end of the week whether you’ve been approved. Anything else you’re wanting to know?” She says, closing the diary shut and placing it on my desk.

“Only one thing, what on earth am I going to do without you?!” I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air whimsically. She really is the best secretary I could’ve asked for and now I have to find a new one in a completely different country, and I’ll have to adjust to American accents and different laws. This is going to be so hard. But I think I can handle it.
“You’ll find someone just as good, if not better than me.” She says with a sincere smile.

“There is no one better! Okay, so I have four weeks?” 

“Four weeks.” She confirms.

In a month, I move to New York. I have nowhere to live, no work visa, no friends over there, nothing. I’m leaving behind my apartment, my best friend, my boyfriend and my family. Am I insane?

If anyone can do it, it’s you Charlotte, my subconscious encourages and I smile to myself, dismissing Allie from my room so I can think. I can do this, it’s an adventure, I’m turning my whole world upside down but I have no regrets, this is what I’ve always wanted, and sometimes you have to make sacrifices for your career, my Mum did that, my Grandfather did that, hell everyone has to at some stage. My sacrifices just feel slightly extreme, I feel like I’m giving up everything to start this whole new life that I’m not entirely sure I want. All I know for sure that I want is Louis, and I know we’re doing long distance but who knows how long that will last? We can’t live in separate countries for the rest of our lives.

The rest of the day goes quickly as I bury myself in mountains of paper work, making slight progress on everything that needs to be done before the big move.

Re-adjusting to sleeping in my own bed is more difficult than I had anticipated. I’ve grown accustomed to Louis’ wandering hands on my body throughout the night, constantly pulling me close to him and making me feel more comfortable than ever before. It really was the best feeling, and knowing I won’t feel it for another two months is not making this any easier.

Friends.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon