Chapter 50: The Final Stage: Rise of the Super Demigod

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"Damn.. it!!", I struggled to make my body move but then again I failed.

"AAARRRRGHHH!!", this time it was Lord Ranseim who was impaled as he tried to protect Ms. Yuki from more damage!

I can feel Flugel's power escalating at such level. She is eager to help out her parents!

"Go and help them out, Flu..gel.", I said.

"B-But how about you?!"

"I am fine! You did the first aid on my body and restored my mana so I can take care of the rest for myself to heal up.", I replied.

Flugel wiped out her tears and activated her wings, "Forgive me for this, Tyron! I am worried for my parents!"

"Go.", I smiled at her with hardship. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!"

She cried, nodded, and flew off to join the battle.

"Fuck.", I grunted as I finally made my body sit up and watched the ongoing war.

I gasped and shouted as I saw some warriors getting killed as they fight.


Even the Squad 44 who was willing to risk their lives were helplessly fighting and soon their aircraft were blasted.

"Noooo!!", I shouted and cried bitterly.

Soon Flugel finally came to the scene and successfully covered her parents who were on the verge of death.

Angelica is fighting with half of her powers restored and couldn't bring Bahamut down with what she did earlier.

Even Ms. Cheska couldn't fight properly anymore as her mana is drained from keeping Master David's spirit leave his body.

I looked at Master David who were getting up right now.

"MASTER!", I forced myself to go closer to him.

"Tyron..", he weakly smiled at me as he activated his dark wings.

"Master.. don't tell me you.."

Master David struggled to get up and black thunders were produced on the dark skies.

"You did well.. my apprentice.", he said as his black thunders boomed and summoned his dark swords. "You made us all proud of you. Don't think that.. you failed."

I can tell that Master David is forcing himself to fight now just by his sheer willpower despite the fact that he is not in the possible condition to do so!

"Things like these are normal.", he said as he lifted his body on the air. "There are many tests in this world. Tests of strength.. hardships.. courage.. and heart."

We watched as we saw most of the warriors fighting Bahamut is now killed!

"There is so much ahead that we will face, Tyron.", Master David said as he forced himself to level 2 of Dark Angel. "But always remember.. what is important."

We watched Angelica and Flugel courageously fighting Bahamut despite every pain they are experiencing.

Master David flew know to the battlefield along with his dark thunders, "THAT IS TO HAVE THE WILL AND THE DRIVE TO NEVER GIVE UP!!"

And so he joined the battle and I watched in awe as he risked his life protecting others.

But even as he joined the battle..

Bahamut easily brought him down with a powerful attack that made him fall to the ground.

"No! MASTER!!", I was shaking with rage as I watched all these people sacrificing themselves until I recover.

Eternal Fantasies 2: Rise of BahamutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang