"I got Erika!!" Louis shouted back. Harry gave Louis a look and Louis nodded his head. Harry picked me up and walked me closer to the pool.

"Harry, I swear if-" Harry cut me off by throwing me into the pool. Lovely. I surfaced, giving Harry my best 'you better watch your back' glare.

"HARRY!!! COME HERE AND GIVE ME A HUG!" I shouted after I climbed out of the pool. Harry's eyes widened as he tried to run away. He was about to run in the house when I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to me. I threw my arms around his neck, trying to get him as wet as possible. When I let go, Harry's mouth fell to the floor.

"This isn't over." He glared.

I laughed, "We'll see." I turned on my heel and found Louis in the pool and Erika laughing her head off. I shook my head while I headed back upstairs to change out my dripping clothes. I tossed my wet clothes in the hamper and quickly changed into fresh ones. I took my hair out of my ponytail as I walked down the stairs. Everyone was sitting on the couch talking about who knows what.

I sat next to Erika while Louis glared at us.

"You assholes." Louis said trying to smile. Right after he said assholes, I started giggling.

Erika started laughing too. She turned to me, "Asshole."

I laughed harder. "Why is she laughing?" Zayn asked

"She thinks asshole is a funny word." Erika giggled. "Watch this," She turned to face me, "Ass of holes."

I fell onto her shoulder, holding my sides from laughing. When I calmed down, Kris walked in, "Erika,  your cousin Kody is coming down for a visit."

"Oh God..." Erika groaned. "For how long?"

"For a week."

"A WEEK!? When is he coming???" Erika shrieked

Kris opened her mouth to say something but got interupted when the door flew open.

"ERIKA!!!" Standing in the door way was a tall muscular dark haired boy with dark eyes. He looked about two years older than Erika. The boy dropped his bag as he flung his arms open. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it's Kody. Erika's eyes got wide, "Oh. My. God." She sprinted around the couch. Kody ran after, tackling her to the ground. Eriak groaned, "Hey Kody..."

"What? No hug for me?" All heads turned towards the front door. It was Erika's brother Josh! I haven't seen him in forever! Erika pushes Kody off of her and runs to Josh, "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!"

"Crushing... Internal... Organs!!!" Josh squeaked.

"Sorry." She smiled.

I got up from my seat, "JOOOOOOSH!!!!" I pulled him into a hug. When we let go, Erika led Kody and Josh towards the boys, "C'mon I want you guys to meet some of my friends.  Josh, Kody, this is Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis and Niall. Boys, this is my brother Josh and my cousin Kody."

"Hey... Are these the guys your obse-" Josh tried, but Erika's hand covered his mouth.

"Shhhh, they don't need to know about that." Erika said. I laughed while shaking my head.

The boys returned the hello's and we all sat around the living talking. That is until Harry's phone rang.

"Hello? WHAT!? No way! Wait, how many? Perfect! Thanks!" Harry was smiling from ear to ear.

"Who was that, Harry?" Louis asked

Harry stood up, "Paul. You know that movie, the Hunger Games??? Well there having a movie premiere and we have enough tickets for all of us!"

"HUNGER GAMES!?" Erika and I shouted at the same time.

"Yea!" Harry shouted back.

"Oh my God!!!!!!! We read all three books!" I said pinting to Erika.

"WAAAIT. When is this exactly?" Liam asked

"Thursday." Harry answered in a more calm tone. Today was Wednesday, so that meant Erika and I have to find a dress TODAY. Shiiiiiiit!

"We have to go!" I yelled grabbing Erika's wrist pulling her after me. Kris was nice enough to drop us off at the mall. Erika and I headed straight to Windsor. We looked through random racks for what seemed like hours.

"What about this one?" Erika asked. She held up a dress that was red, orange, and yellow all blended together. It was kinda feaathery, but not crazy feathers. It was silky at the same time.

"Go try it on!" I pushed her into a dressing room. I waited for two minutes before she came back out. "What do you think?" She asked. The dress fell right above her knees, hugging her in all the right places.

"Perfect." I said. She smiled and slipped back into the dressing room. I walked back to the racks searching some more. I sighed, "I can't find anything!"

"Calm down, Katie... I'll help." Erika went to another rack. The one with long dresses.

"Here." She said handing me a long blue dress. I went to the dressing room and pulled off the clothes I was wearing. I pulled on the long blue dress and turned to look at myself in the mirror. It was beautiful. It was long and flowy. It wasn't tight like those other dresses. It did hug my hips perfectly though. It fell down to the floor. That would probably change though, if I was wearing heels.

"Come out! I want to see!" Erika pleaded.

"Alright..." I said taking a step out of the dressing room. Erika gasped. I started feeling self conscious.

"Is it that bad?" I asked looking down at the dress.

"WHAT!? No! You are buying that!" Erika ordered.


"No buts! Take it off and we'll pay!" She smiled at me before walking away.


"What is that?" Erika asked pointing towards the house.

"I don't-" My mouth fell open. A huge banner that said, "KATHERINE, HUNGER GAMES PREMIERE?" was tapped on the front window by the front door and Harry standing at the end smiling his famous smile of his. Erika and I climbed out of Kris' car and began walking towards the house.

"Harry.." I trailed off, my eyes never left the banner.

"Well.. I'm going to go check if the boys broke anything." Erika said as she walked in the front door.

"Will you go with me, Katherine?" Harry asked with a hint a pink forming on his cheeks.

I tucked some of my curly hair behind my ear, "Sure, Harry."

Harry's eyes flickered up to mine. A huge smile spread across his face. He grabbed me, pulling me into a tight hug while spinning me around in a circle.

Harry set me down and cupped my face with his hands, "You won't regret this. Promise."


YEA. Chapter 24, a woot woot! :D

Okay, I know what you're thinking... "Hunger Games already came out!" Well for the story's sake, let's just pretend that it's coming out now. :)  Thanks!

Wonder what's gonna happen at the premiere.... ;) Keep reading!!! I'm not sure when I'll upload.. So don't get mad D:

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