Nico x Reader (5)

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     It was a cool, breezy day. Nice ample sunlight, too. You hated this weather. Sure, it was nice to walk through the forest or daydream in, but it was always easy to be seen in this weather. It especially sucked since the weather at Camp Half-Blood was nearly always the same. You didn't despise being seen because of your built-in battle instincts . You despised it because you clearly stood out this way. It was only your first week at camp and people already stood clear of you, just like at school. You weren't mean to anyone, you just gave off a cold, closed-off vibe that used to be only found in children of Hades, but you were an exception. Lack of sleep from crying made your eyes sunken, and hiding in your only friend's, Leo's, room made you appear quite sickly.
     You lied on Leo's bunk bed and stared at the wall, shuffling your feet, getting suspicious looks from the other cabin members working on the tables around the room. Leo briskly walked through the door with his magical tool belt around his waist, and turned to you. "Sorry, (Y/N), my siblings and I really need this room to ourselves. Big project we're starting, can't have people... distracted.." He trailed off. You nodded, understanding that your presence would make people nervous, and quietly walked out the cabin after giving him a small smile.
     You decided to take refuge in the forest, where the trees seemed to be one of the only living things that accepted you. Walking through your usual path to the creek, hands in your pockets, you saw a boy was already there. You stopped and squinted your eyes. Raven hair, pale skin, brooding eyes... you turned to walk away before you could see his reaction to you, assuming he'd be terrified.
     "Not going to join me?" He asked, making you quickly turn back around. You narrowed your eyes. "What?" He didn't stand up, just waited for you to sit with him. You didn't. "I only stopped you because you had some Mythomagic cards sticking out your pocket. Otherwise, I would've let you prance off... though you don't look like a girl that prances around confidently." You began to get suspicious. "You're not afraid of me?" "Please, I'm more afraid of failing Calculus than anything." This brought a chuckle out from you, and you decided to sit down next to him.
     "You know, you're pretty cute for someone everybody's afraid of, (Y/N)." Well, then. This boy sure was more bold than he looked. You could tell by the awkward tone of his voice that he didn't talk to people like that normally, which made something like pride spark inside you. "How do you know my name, Death Boy?" He raised his eyebrows at the name, but answered "I see you walking around camp. Kinda hard not too actually." You rolled your eyes. He continued, "Leo's a friend of mine, always telling me there's a misunderstood girl that'd be oh so perfect for me."
     Not knowing how to respond to that, you softly laughed, which hurt your throat since you hardly did it these days. " I guess we'll be misunderstood freaks together." He got up and held his hand out for you. "I guess so." He lifted you up, and you two walked back to his cabin together, feeling a sense of peace that you haven't felt in years.

Thanks for reading this crappy imagine, lovelies! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, maaaaybe leave a vote or follow..? ;) If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave it in the comments! Next one shot will be out soon, see you all next time~~

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