Leo x Reader (8)

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You woke up coughing and sneezing, wiping your nose on your bare wrists. Your vision was blurry, but you sat up with a jolt not knowing where you were. Holy gods, did I get kidnapped? Wait... ah, this is Leo's room. But how did I get here?
Right on cue, your curly haired boyfriend walks in with tired eyes but a bright smile. "Finally, you're up! It's about time!" You glanced at the clock, not caring that it was nearly twelve in the afternoon. He furrowed his eyebrows at you and rummaged through his drawer, pulling out a warm orange hoodie and some sweatpants, then tossing them to you. "Why do I need these?" You ask. He bites his lip and motions towards the bathroom.
You walk in and immediately gasp and the reflection in the mirror. Your hair is tangled with braids, your crop top and shorts dirtied with drink stains, the soles of your feet blistered and your makeup stained. Leo followed your and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his head on your shoulder as you look horrified at the mirror.
"You were having quite the time at the Aphrodite party last night. Drew came to tell me you passed out, and I carried you back here because your cabin was locked for the night." You turned red at the thought of him seeing you like that. "Oh gods, Leo, I'm so sorry!" You hurriedly shoved the clothes back into his arms and rush to grab your stuff and leave. "I can go right now, this is terrible that you've been waiting on me all night."
He quickly turned you around. "Baby, its fine. I brought you here so you can recover, not so you could go back and do it all again!" He grinned at you, showing his lighthearted love. He pushed the clothes back onto you, and you sighed as you walked to the bathroom to change. Even though its hardly been two weeks that you guys dated, he was the sweetest boyfriend you've ever had.
You changed into his oversized yet cozy clothes and walked out to Leo's wolf whistle. You roll your eyes and flopped on the couch that he tidied for you. Well, as best he could, because Leo Valdez was not a tidy person. You drank the mixture he had ready for you, and you let out a soft sigh of relief as your headache got more tolerable.
"Hey, you're only allowed to make that sound for me. He joked, earning him a slap on the shoulder from you. He conjured up fire and pulled out marshmallows, crackers, and chocolate from under his bed. His flame was so intense that it heated up perfect s'mores in seconds.
He sat down next to you and shared the delicious concoction with you, savoring the warmth of it. "You know, this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me while I was hungover." He cocked his head. You continued, "my friends usually laugh it off and encourage me to go to another party to have it happen all over again."
There was a moment of silence, and Leo finally said, "I think that someone as beautiful and talented as you should have a better group of friends." You laid your head on his shoulder. "Not everyone is as kind and adorably dorky as you, Valdez." He laughed, and bit into your s'more.
"Next time I go to one of those illegally alcoholic Aphrodite parties again, will you come and make sure I stay out of trouble?" You looked at him with bright eyes. "Of course, but I can't promise that I won't be the one that needs to be carried home."
You pinched his cheek. "Kidding, kidding! I will always look after you, love."

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