Nico x Reader (3)

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Clarisse and her friends again. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes, but you wouldn't let them spill. That's just what they wanted. "Useless, pesky child of (Y/G/P). Why'd they claim you if you can't even fight back?" One of them sneered as you were cornered to a tree. There was no where to run or hide; it was deep in the forest and you stupidly left your weapons back in your cabin, too tired out to fight. Blood poured from a gash on your arm from when you tried to run before, but tripped on a thick root.
They advanced on, their electric spears glinting in the sunlight. Of course, they were too cowardly to use it on you, but they sure were going to give you a hell of a scare. Clarisse, being the ringleader, prodded you first, grazing your cheek with her spear. They were about do more until they were stopped by a strange feeling.
The air around you dropped drastically. The sun was still out and shining brightly, but you couldn't tell why it felt below zero, or why everyone was shivering. "What's going on here?" A voice asked. Everyone spun around. You tried not to show your relief too much when you saw Nico di Angelo, your knight in... dark armor.
"Run back to the Underworld, Deathboy. We have no need of you here, unless you'd also like to have a go at your precious little girlfriend?" Clarisse smirked. He glanced towards you to see the damage. His eyes narrowed as he saw trickles of blood run down your arm, your ears filled with tears, and the marks on your cheeks. He turned his attention back on your attackers. "I'm not in the mood for your sick games, Clarisse. Give me back the tortured girl and I'll spare your skins." He snarled with deathly cool.
"Is that so.." she mused. She turned back to her friends. "Well, everyone, looks like Deathboy over here decides that he's strong enough to challenge us and get the girl. Wanna show him just how wrong he is?" They lost interest in you, and you scampered over behind Nico. "Don't worry, I can handle this. Stay back for me, ok?" He unsheathed his Stygian iron sword and prepared for battle. You smiled, knowing full well he wouldn't even need to use it. You climbed up the tree from a safe distance and perched on a sturdy branch, prepared to jump in if necessary.
The gang circled him, as if they were predators eyeing their prey. Nico stood there, unfazed. Then, they yelled their battle cries and flanked in from all sides. A fools mistake. Nico vanished into darkness and reformed behind the chaos, fast enough to see the damage. All five of the attackers crashes into each other; one fell. "Try again." He smirked. In rage, one of the remainders quickly threw his spear at him in dumb hope. Nico plucked it out of the air, snapping it with his knee. Skeletal zombies rose out of the ground, surrounding Clarisse and her two other friends. In a matter of seconds, the three were disarmed and hunched on the floor. Unharmed, but in no condition to fight. He called off the army.
"(Y/N)? It's safe now, come down." You jumped and landed with grace, making way towards him. "You could've had them kneeling to them in seconds, you showoff." You laughed. "Thank you, though. Really." You said much quieter. He saw the guilty look on your face and abruptly stopped walking. "Hey, don't feel bad." He grasped your shoulders. "I know full well that you're strong and capable, so don't you doubt yourself. Whenever you need help, I'll be there, no exceptions. As long as you're alive, I will always protect you. Always." He pulled you into a protective hug, and rested his chin on your head.
"Thank.. you.." You repeated. He let go, and planted a quick kiss on your forehead before shadowtraveling away.

Thank you lovely people for reading this short little scenario! I worked hard on this, and it feels nice even to have a bit of people read it. I love you all to bits! Remember to vote if you liked it, and feel free to comment any suggestions!

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