Percy x Reader (7)

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     "Grab your weapons and charge!" Yelled your cabin leader, who grabbed her spear and expectingly looked at you and your cabin mates. You gave her your famous determined and intense stare, and nodded. You swiftly slung a bow and a stocked quiver over your back and took a long, ragged blade in hand. Sprinting out the door, you stopped dead in your tracks and stared in fearful awe at the sight. The camp was surrounded by dozens, hundreds even, of monsters, the most vicious being the chimera and the hydras.
     A fairly young boy behind you let out a squeak and took steps backwards. You grasped his shoulder. "You've trained for this. Go kick some hydra butt." He gave a feeble smile and ran off to help his fellow cabin mates. You engaged in combat with three feisty giant scorpions. One was stabbed clean through the heart in one quick strike, another was beheaded, and the third was shot in the eye when it had attempted to pounce on you.
     "Nice one, (Y/N)!" You spun around and saw Percy, with his prize-winning grin, running straight towards a flank of hell hounds. You smiled as he battled, knowing full well he was more than a match for him. You turned when he erupted with enough water to flood an entire state. A few more hellhounds you defeated, and you were starting to tire.
     "Cover for me," you asked Leo, who ran to you. "Anytime, princess." He laughed and shot some more fire at incoming enemies. War and ambushes were terrifying, yes, but somehow... fighting along side your friends made it seem like another fun day of training. Suddenly, you heard a familiar scream. Percy! You gasped in horror and scanned the battlefield to find your boyfriend. You saw him hidden behind a couple of trees, pinned to the ground by the throat with the fist of The Minotaur. That's not possible... it's supposed to be reforming in Tartarus.
     You shook the implications off and ran towards him. You heard alarmed yells behind you, but you ignored them. Percy weakly turned and saw you. His eyes widened, and he croaked out, "(Y/N)! Stay back, protect the camp." The Minotaur turned as well. It's eyes lit up red, and an idea popped in your head. Percy can escape if I distract it...
     "Hey, you hairy, ugly bastard! You wanna take this camp from me? You have to get through me first." You mentally high fives yourself when it gave off a roar and released his fist from Percy. It ignored his chokes of relief and started barreling towards you, relying on pure scent. You zigzagged through the trees, occasionally making it smash into a couple of trees. It became increasingly more angry, and the collisions only seemed to make it more keen on taking you down.
     Your training allowed you to dodge obstacles with superhuman ease, but you didn't anticipate being tripped by a rock. You fell towards the ground and hit against a rock. Reaching towards your head, you felt warm and sickly blood spurting out of it. Your vision blurred.
     The Minotaur had caught up. It looked down at you with a malicious glint in its eyes and raised its fist to finish you off. I love you, Percy, you thought, and closed your eyes, ready to accept the death that had saved your loved one's life.
     Thwunk! An arrow whizzed by and bounced harmlessly off the back off The Minotaur. It turned around, and was met with a powerful gush of water at its mouth. The water choked the beast, filling its throat with dirty lake water, and it eventually fell to dissipate into a spurge of golden dust.
     A teenage boy with messy black hair and glowing green eyes stood underneath the shimmer. "Out of all the ways you could've died, I never expected the Half-Blood Warrior to die from a rock." You rolled your eyes at the nickname. You heaved yourself up, and immediately cried out and buckled. Percy rushed over and picked you up, bridal style of all ways. "Hey, take it easy. I'll bring you back and we'll get you fixed up." You drowsily dug your head into his chest. "But what about the other campers? Are they ok?" He smiled down at you. "They're all ok, the battle is over. You took out half of the entire battalion of monsters." He kissed your head. "This victory is yours."

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter took a while, but hope you all had a wonderful winter break! If you enjoyed this chapter, a vote would be very appreciated. This book runs off of suggestions, so please leave future oneshot ideas in the comments. See you in the next~

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