Jason x Reader (5/Pt 2 to 4)

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If you didn't read the last chapter, go read it! This is a continuation of that chapter (:

     Jason spread his arms and gave you a warm smile, though it looked a little like a smirk of amusement. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood," he said. You tentatively walked past the rickety but welcoming wood gate and marveled at the sight.
Kids your age, about 11 to 17, were running around with bows and swords and weapons of the sort. Definitely not safe... you thought. A half-horse-half-man trotted up to you. Your eyes boggled at him.
     "Welcome, young demigod. I am Chiron, the director of the wonderful camp of powerful people just like you." He chuckled. "You're a centaur." You blurted out, and immediately being embarrassed. "That's right! How'd you know? Usually, kids haven't got a clue about us." "My mother taught me a bit of mythology before... before we parted." You said stiffly. He gave you a look of sympathy. "Don't you worry, my dear, most kids come here from families with said difficulties. You'll find a family with us, I assure you! Jason, give her the grand tour, will you?"
     Jason sarcastically puffed up his chest and linked arms with you. "Onwards, my dear!" He cried, and he ran up a nearby hill, dragging you along by your hand. When you two got up, you were panting, but you could see why he brought you. The hill provided an amazing view of your new... home. That's right, you thought. They said I belonged here, and I have nowhere else to turn to. This will be my home. For now, at least.
     Jason leaned on a tall pine tree that gave off an aura of protection. He pointed to the vast scenery. "Over there are the strawberry fields, very relaxing. A little farther and you'll see the Pegasus stables, I'm sure you'll love it. There's a clearing for training where you can climb the lava wall or battle other campers. And those are the cabins where all the campers stay at, sorted by their godly parents." You nodded; he had already given you the talk about mythology while you walked around, and you surprisingly went along with the concept very easily.

     Jason and you walked around for awhile and checked out the places he pointed out to you. He was right, you did love the pegasus stables. Now, you two found a spot at the campfire and were enjoying the lovely music and warm fire. He had one arm wrapped around you in a protective and warming hug, which you gratefully accepted. He made you feel happy, complete. Living completely by yourself with no one to comfort you, you started to enjoy having someone that was there for you. Trusting Jason when you met him was, frankly, one of the best decisions of your life.
     You were quietly dozing off in his arms when your name boomed. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) (L/N)!" You darted up with a start, making people chuckle. "Yes?" You asked in a mockingly high voice. Chiron's eyes twinkled. "Come up here, we'll give you a warm welcome." You got up and rolled your shoulders coolly, then went up to him.
     "Jason has been telling me all about (Y/N) here through Iris messaging. He portrayed her as street-smart, but highly intelligent, deceiving, but kind, small, but extremely powerful, and cool under pressure, but oh so captivatingly beautiful." The crowd ooh-ed at this. "She has risen from a life of scavenging and destitute, and now she is here with us. Give it up for (Y/N)!"
     The crowd roared in appreciation, and a chant of your name had started. You grinned, and simply glowed when you saw Jason being the leader of all the chanting. He looked so proud, it was endearing. The chanting abruptly stopped, however. You froze, afraid. Had I done something wrong? Murmuring took place, and people started pointed at you. No, above you. You hesitantly looked up, and was startled at the blue glowing symbol above your head. This is what Jason was talking about. The claiming.

Hello readers! I'm sorry I haven't posted in about two weeks, I've haven't gotten around to doing it until now. I'll admit, this chapter is a bit rushed, so sorry about that! If you liked it, I would very much appreciate a vote and a follow! If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments below, it helps a ton! I also have a Harry Potter one shot book in the works, so if you could check that out, that'd be lovely (: Thank you so much for reading, see you in the next one shot~

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