Jason x Reader (9)

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 You poured your heart into your music. The honeyed words represented all your emotions you felt while writing songs, and they filled your heart with incomprehensible joy. Singing your heart out was an escape, and certainly a hidden talent.

Sitting on a stone deep in the woods, you tapped your pencil on the notebook Jason gifted you and reviewed your newest lyrics. Tapping a beat with your foot, the words spilled out of you and filled the forest with melodic tune. Your high note was quickly smothered when you whipped around, meeting the sound of cracking twigs.

Jason Grace leaned against on of the burly oak trees. He grinned, eyes shining with curiosity and pride. "You've really got quite a talent, songbird!" Your cheeks heated up. No one has ever heard you sing before, and your crush was not your first choice to reveal it to. Nevertheless, you appreciated the support. "Thanks, Grace! Though my voice isn't really suited for an audience..." You awkwardly tucked away your notebook, trying to end the conversation.

"Nonsense, the whole camp deserves to hear your voice! Campfire is tonight for the newbies, what do you say?" Your heart rate immediately quickened at the prospect. I've never performed in front of people before, but this is a great chance to show what I'm made of... and impress Jason, too. You looked back at him with newfound determination in your eyes. "I'll be there!"

After hours of consultation with Drew, who designated herself as your personal wardrobe assistant for the night, you finally had the perfect outfit to unleash your full potential at the bonfire. Your hair was luxuriously curled, with a half-up-half-down look working in your favor. A yellow satin bow tied it together, a piece of cloth from Apollo himself when you were born. You wore a sweet and simple skirt with connected suspenders and a white shirt underneath.

Chiron welcomed the new campers with warm greetings and presented a lot of talented demigods to showcase their skills to get them pumped. You started to get nervous with the bar raising higher and higher. "Tonight, (Y/N) (L/N) has graciously volunteered to lead the campfire songs. Come on down!"

Your cabin cheered quite loudly at this. Standing up, you nervously began walking, but a hand gently tugged you back. "Good luck out there, songbird." A voice whispered in your ear, sending a wave of electricity through you. Standing in the middle,, the crowd wasn't ready for what you brought. You sung a ballad of a great hero, one who trekked the land in search of monsters to slay. It was a basic story that most campfire singers sang, but you delivered it with new rhythms and vocal variations, causing the crowd to cheer every time you switched things up.

"You go, (Y/N)!" Drew called out. "What a voice!" One of the new campers gushed. You cupped your face and blushed, scurrying back down to the stands. Cabinmates and friends flooded towards you, eager to tell of their surprise at your not-so-hidden talent. You offered quick smiles and thanks, but pushed your way to the very edge of the amphitheater, where Jason stood, hands in his pockets and a grin across his face.

"I don't know what kicked all that confidence into you, but it sure made for a killer performance." He looked down in an attempt to hide his blush. You surged with energy still from the roar of the crowd, and took a step closer. "I'd have to agree... seems I've found some confidence in me after all."

He looked back up with surprised but allured eyes. "Oh? Is the quaint and quiet (Y/N) finally doing what she's been wanting to do for years?" Jason smirked, and stepped forward as well. "It seems so." You murmured back, and sealed the distance between you two.

And there you two kissed blissfully, underneath the tiered seats of the amphitheater. "Thank you for always believing in me, even when I didn't." "I'll always support you, my lovebird."

I'll admit, this one was a bit cringe.. but I still hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, please leave a vote! Any comments for future one shots is highly appreciated! *Uploads will now be Fridays and Mondays* See you in the next~

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