Luke x Reader (2)

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"Oh Gods, again? What happened this time?" You looked up from sanitizing your clippers when Luke staggered through the infirmary doors and into your private medical room. You tried to level your focus on his eyes instead of looking down at his shirtless body. "I don't want to talk about it." He said, soft but gruff. Alright then, stay silent. You mentally rolled your eyes. "Take a seat right over there." You pointed to the medical bed.

"Can't you just clean me up and let me go?" "I suggest not arguing with the professional." You shot back in the same tone he had. He groaned but complied. You wheeled your way over on your spinny chair and shined a light on the blood caked all across his face. There was too much dried blood to identify the source, so you grabbed a wet washcloth and began gently scrubbing it off.

When it was all cleaned, you find a rather nasty looking jagged cut across his face. "Looks like your cut reopened again..." You shined more light on it, eyes narrowing in thought at the sickly color coating it. "This isn't like the other times you've waltzed in her with injuries. You've got to tell me what happened."

"I don't want to." "You have to." "I said, I don't want to. First amendment. Freedom of speech. Look it up." "Oh, don't give me that snarkiness. Just tell me!"
"FINE!" He erupted out of the bed. You scrambled back, battle instincts taking over. You instinctively grabbed an incision knife from the counter, though he didn't seem to notice. "Blame the high and mighty Gods for this! You'd think they'd learn from their mistakes the first time they sent me on a quest, but it seems like we're all just so disposable to them that they'd run me off again! You wanted to know how my scar got even worse than before? It's the Gods. They sent me on another stupid quest to steal another stupid apple and get nearly killed by another stupid Guardian. The Titan army doesn't seem like such a bad option now." He spat.

Your hands quivered, and your dropped the knife. The clatter it made on the floor seemed to break the spelled silence that spread over the room like quicksand. Only then did Luke bother to look at you. He now saw your wide, fearful eyes, your clenched hands, your shaking body. "(Y'N)..." You scrambled away again.

"How could you say that? Right after Christina died by their hands? You're sick, Castellan." Your eyes swam in tears. Luke flinched at the sound of your best friend's name. Deep regret welled in his heart as he remembered how broken you were when you witnessed her impalement right in front of your eyes. "I- I'm... I'm sorry... I went way too far." He quietly said, voice thick.

You swallowed and stood up straight, knees slightly trembling still. His heart cracked at the sight of you in such a state. You slowly walked closer and closer to him until you were only inches apart. You held his jaw in your hands, forcing him to look down at you.

"The Titan army is a terrible, terrible force. No matter how bad you think the Gods are, they are nothing compared to the Titans. Promise me you will always stay on the light side. If not for yourself, please, just do it for me." Your voice cracked. "Promise me that you'll stay with me, that you'll fight to the very end with me." He breathed heavily, staring into your eyes, pools of (E/C) love. More and more seconds passed, you growing more fearful as they went. Finally, he moved. It was his turn to grip your face, gently moving it up to meet his lips. For a long time, he immersed you in the love of his lips. "I promise." He said into the kiss, spinning you around and pushing you into the bed.

Apologies for really inconsistent uploads! Promise it will get better :) If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote, and any suggestions for future one shots is appreciated!

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