Jason x Reader (3)

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"Faster, (Y/N), pick up your feet!" Jason ordered, arms folded, brows furrowed. You yelped as yet another small, yet painful, lightning bolt struck your shoulder and singed the sleeve. You stumbled a bit at the impact, but ignored the screaming of your body and bolted for Jason. You collapsed at his feet, tasting the coarse sand under them.
Jason was supposed to be your trainer at Camp Half Blood, for you were mentioned in a prophecy days ago, saying that your battle skills would be an asset in a long and bloody quest. Of course, you were terrified at the news, seeing as how you only arrived at the camp a week ago and was still adjusting to the fact that Greek gods were real, of all things.
However, Jason wasn't the best mentor towards you. Right when you were introduced to him by Chiron, he ignores your outstretched hand and let out a sigh of exasperation, blowing the hair from his face. You were clueless as to why he acted that way, but ever since, he's made the past 3 days filled with torturous training. Every day, you would meet Jason at the first sight of dusk, where he made you run across the dusty arena floor to the very other end, whilst making you dodge his rapid fire thunderbolts. He pushed you so hard to make you agile, yet you could not please him.
You gasped and sputtered out dirt, your now heated hair painfully touching your cheeks. A rough hand grabbed your hand of the shoulder that was struck, making you release a hoarse cry. When you finally rose to look at him in the eye, yours were brimmed with hot tears that took all your willpower not to let spill. Your face had large specks of soot on it, but your eyes contrasted it with burning passion. Jason's, however, were plain and tired as always. You could have sworn they wince at your marks and soften at your face, but they immediately turned steely again when they met your eyes. He looked down at his feet and closed his eyes, sighing a long sigh that cracked your heart.
"Go back to your cabin. Training is done, reflect on your performance and learn from it." He rolled his shoulders back and turned on his feet, walking with a fighters walk. You stamped your foot on the ground and balled your fists. "Jason Grace! Why is my work and spirit not enough for you? My whole world was turned around only seven days ago, and then a brutal quest was tied to my fate! Encouragement and praise is scarcely given from you, it's always disdain looks and remarks of how pathetic my hard efforts are! You should be the one reflecting, not I." You paused for a deep breath and shuddered. Pride and passion flowed through you, and you felt relieved for the first time in a long while.
You started walking towards your cabin, though the walk was stopped short by those all too familiar rough hands. They grabbed your shoulders and spun you around, the hands careful to not grip your burnt one too hard. When you turned, you met an unrecognizable face. This face was soft, tender. The eyes told of regret and pain, and the lips were quivering in such a vulnerable way that you stopped breathing. "(Y/N), hear me out."
You lifted your chin and urged him to continue. "When I first laid eyes on you, my breath was taken away. Chiron told me ahead of time that I was to train you, so I snooped around to try to find you. I found you under the trees, and you were the most beautiful girl I've seen." You crossed your arms, doubting the cliche. "Really, I knew from that moment that I could never have you. I'm always on dangerous tasks, and if I were to ever be lucky enough to have you as my girlfriend, you'd have to always worry whether or not I'll be alive. When Chiron finally introduced me to you, I decided that I would go through all means necessary to make sure you never liked me.
"I know you saw those pitying looks I gave you while running. It killed me every time my lightning bolt hit you, every time I snapped at you, and every time I left you burnt and scarred with no help. I.. I am extremely sorry for everything I made you go through, and I'll get you a better, more caring trainer for you, because I can't continue breaking you like this." You looked up at him once more, and gave a small smile. Your heart fluttered, and your cheeks bloomed with red.
"Jason, I like you two, and I'm willing to do anything to be your girlfriend. I don't even want another trainer, you will do great for me instead. The only condition is no more extreme ways of making me nimble, the pain isn't fun." Upon that, he embraced you softly, carefully putting less pressure on the many areas of injury you had. He gently picked you up with your legs around his waist and chin on his shoulder, as he walked you to the infirmary to tend to all your wounds, giving you small pecks of comfort on your neck. "I promise."

Hello all you readers! Thank you so so much for 1K reads, it means a lot! I'll be on a trip for two weeks, so I don't know how often I'll be able to upload, so sorry for advance for that. Shoutout to @miacalcano she has an amazing advice book that y'all should check out. Also, hit me up if you want to be internet friends, because why not? Be sure to leave a vote if you liked this (kind of painful) imagine, and feel free to comment any suggestions for future scenarios! See you all in the next chapter ~

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