Percy x Reader (5)

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     You sprinted to the Hermes cabin and powerfully threw open the door. Like you expected, the cabin was empty, save for the two people perfect for the job you wanted. The Stoll brothers turned around from the desk they huddled around in the corner. They beamed at you, and waved you over. "(Y/N), just the lady we were looking for! Look at this for me, it's our plan for how we're gonna get Clarisse back for sabotaging our chariot." Connor said animatedly. You walked over there and peered down at the wrinkly parchment. "A kiss, please?" Travis grinned, stooping down to your height. He always did this to you, knowing you always were embarrassed. You pushed away his face and said, "Nice plan, but I need help, and you two are the only ones up to it." They nodded their heads, signaling for you to go on.
     "I want to pull a prank on Percy-". There was a loud ooo'ing coming from them. "Oh, shut up. Anyways, since he and I seem to be growing in our friendship, this'll get him to notice me more." They looked at each other, each with a glint in their eyes. As if speaking telepathically, they ran to their bunks, pulling out a cardboard box from underneath the bed. The words "not pranking equipment" were scrawled on the side. They pulled out balloons, soap, and a foam machine. Catching on to what they were planning, you grinned on with them. "You guys are the best."

     Since Percy had gone off to the canoe races, that left you a half hour long period to get your plan in motion. Travis plugged in the machine and started pouring large amounts of soap in it. You and Connor went to the bathroom and filled the balloons with water. Then you placed the balloons inside his pillow case and his bed sheets, smoothing it out to make it look like nothing was there. Your watch blared; Percy would be back any minute now. Hearing this, Travis flicked the switch, and the three of you jumped stealthily out of the window. Smoothing your hair out, you walked over to Percy, who was walking back.
     "Hey Perce!" He smiled at you and began talking about how he was the best one there, making sure he sounded as playfully arrogant as possible. He turned the doorknob and walked in to a wall of foam. You pushed him forward and he disappeared into the cloud of foam. "(Y/N), WHAT DID YOU DO???" He yelled, though it sounded distant from inside the bubbles. You started cracking up, then it turned to full out roaring with laughter as you saw his hair stick up from the foam.
     Suddenly, a hand popped out from the mass, grabbing your arm and pulling you in. You squeaked from surprise and felt yourself on top of (a very fit and defined) body. You were glad the mass was so dense that it covered your blush. He rolled you around on the floor of foam, the entire room was filled with it. You enjoyed the long time you two spent play wrestling and rolling on top of each other through all of the thick white circles. Eventually, you two lied on the floor next to each other, panting from the activity. By now, you two had crushed all of the bubbles and your clothes sopped up much of it, so the room was now clear to see. Sitting up, you saw the walls dripping with soap and everything slimy and wet. You felt slightly guilty at this.
     Seeing your guilty look, Percy sat up and goofily grinned. "No worries, I'm the son of Poseidon! I'll clear this in no time." He got up and went over to his bed. You were about to warn him, but he had already flopped onto his bed. A loud pop was heard, and you couldn't contain your giggles. Now, he was even more soaked. His eyes were closed in a why do I even bother? sort of way, but he laughed anyways. "Remind me never to get on your bad side." He got up from the bed and shook his hair, spraying it on you like a wet dog, making you blush more at the adorable scene. He grabbed your arm to hoist you up, then putting his arms around your waist.
     "Even though you made a complete mess," he started, dropping his voice now. "I wouldn't mind if you'd drop by and do it again." Your breaths mingled, and you did the only thing you thought of doing all day. You put your arms around his neck and bent him down, kissing him slowly and sweetly. When he tilted his neck more, you saw the open door behind you, where the Stoll brothers could be seen far away. They grinned and gave the thumbs up sign, though Travis looked a little jealous. You winked at them and pushed Percy back more, closing the door with your foot, never leaving the kiss.

GUESS WHO'S THE WORST AUTHOR! ME! Sorry guys for not updating in like two months! My mind was completely blank but now I have some fresh ideas I've compiled, so hopefully consistent uploads will happen starting now! If you liked this fluff, it would be appreciated if you could leave a vote and follow <3 Any suggestions in the comments is greatly appreciated too! See you all later, and thank you for reading ~~

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