Nico x Reader (4)

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     Nico di Angelo sat in a booth at McDonald's, quietly eyeing his group of people he grown to care for. Piper and Jason sat at the end, curling into each other as they conversed in ways only they understood. Percy and Annabeth were slapping the table and laughing, sauce and whipped cream smeared on each other's faces. Frank and Hazel were lost in each other's eyes, pink dusting either of their cheeks. Leo was teasing Calypso with Spanish pick-up lines, much to her dismay. Nico sighed, feeling unattached to his friends and leaned on the window. His head lulled to the side as he stared into the empty curbs of Long Island. Movement caught his eye, and he instantly perked up, jolting his head upwards.
     Conversation stopped and everyone stared at him. He coughed awkwardly, rolling his shoulders and casually containing himself. Percy's shrug indicated everyone to continue their talking. Nico stared off again, trying to find the blur of movement.
     You skated faster and faster on your penny board, (H/L) hair billowing out of your cap. The chain necklace around your neck felt heavy as the disguised weapon hummed in delight at the breeze. You took unlatched it, smiling as if lengthened into your (W/O/C). You turned a corner and was faced with the welcoming McDonalds sign. Pushing past the door, your weapon casually dangled from your hand. You got used to it being out, knowing that mortals couldn't tell the difference between a sword and a stick.
     You rested your chin on your hand, waiting for your order to be called. Suddenly, the air in front of you distorted, as if a rift in the world was being formed. Your hand slowly went toward your now put away weapon. From the blurry air, you could make out raven hair and narrowed eyes. Before you could yelp, a hand grabbed yours and you were pulled into the mist.
     Your surroundings were no more than strokes of colors and the figure was running and leading you up ahead. It was over in seconds. You were in the moonlit parking lot of the McDonalds, standing in front of a boy peering down at you. Your vision was blurred once again, and you leaned on a nearby light pole and heaved out deep, shuddered breath. A cold hand rubbed your back. "It's ok, you'll get used to shadow travel soon enough." You spun around, and the boy took a surprised step back. You snatched your weapon from your chain and aimed it at the person in one swift motion. "Tell me who you are and what you want, because you sure as hell are not a mortal."
     He put his hands up and sighed. "Nico di Angelo is the name. I saw you riding on your board and decided you were worth my time. I'm the son of Hades, supreme son of death at your service." He mockingly bowed his head, and you huffed. "You seem sarcastic, but trustworthy." You put back your weapon in it's hidden form. "I'm (F/N) (L/N), daughter of (G/P), but I only stay at camp for summers." He snorted. "You're spunky, even for that god/goddess." You rolled your eyes. "Why are you here?" You asked.
     "I'm kind of eight wheeling with my friends. I got bored, so I decided to honor a pretty girl with my presence." You rolled your eyes once again. "Alright, I'll bite. What do you think we should do?" You immediately regretted asking, as he slipped his hand around your waist and shadow traveled you to a nearby playground. Your hair swished as he left again, leaving you sitting alone on the swing set. You swung there for a few minutes until he returned back, hair ruffled and your order in his hand. "You ordered a lot." He commented. You shook your head and smiled, taking an item from the bag and quietly munching on it as you two swung.
     "Not going to lie, (L/N), you're a pretty interesting girl." "Well, di Angelo, you're not too shabby yourself." He looked at you with an expression of exasperation and care. You felt an ache in your heart, yearning for something more of him. Sure, you two just met an hour ago, but gods, his eyes, his hair, his sarcastic personality all fit your dream guy. Could he like you back? He did talk to you first...
     You broke his stare, asking, "So, what do you suppose we do now?" He grinned lazily, standing up. "I suppose we go back to my friends and announce that I'm not an eight wheel anymore!" You turned scarlet when you realized what he said. "W-wait! I didn't- didn't say anything!" You sputtered, mentally slapping yourself for acting like you didn't want him. He laughed, and said, "You know, it's really obvious when you like someone." You furrowed your brows and looked away in embarrassment. He laughed again, and curled his arms around you. "Be mine." His words echoed in your ears, and this time, you didn't fight back when he shadow traveled you.

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the bad ending, but more like bad storyline. I had no idea how to make this one romantic, but I figured I'd give it a chance anyways. That was probably a mistake. Anyways... in the off chance that you did enjoy it, feel free to give it a vote and comment any suggestions for future scenarios! Thank you for reading!
P.S. Thank you all for the amount of reads I'm getting! I know it probably doesn't seem like much, but I didn't think anyone would read when I first started! Kudos to anyone who's stayed since the first chapter :)

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