Jason x Reader (8)

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 "If someone like me wasn't able to snag him, you're the only other person that has a chance." Drew sniffed. You could smell the jealousy from a mile away, but you appreciated her covering it up with support for you two. Both of you had fell for him at the same time, but you let her obsess over him for the sake of your friendship. As determined as she was to have him, he never gave in, and she eventually gave up, though she still harbored slight feelings. You, however, managed to become with the stony-faced, serious Roman leader.

You watched him from the seats of the arena, gleaming with sweat from taking down multiple skilled campers at once. The way he manipulated air to fly and strike down with lightning made you skin crawl. I can't believe I fell in love with one of the most powerful guys here. Why couldn't it have been like, Travis or whatever? Your jolted from your thoughts when those piercing blue eyes found yours. Jason's lip slightly curled up, and he waved you down to the middle.

"Go get him, girl. Me and my charmspeak are here if you need it." Your heart fluttered, but you used the moment of attention to show off training skills of your own. You ran, leaping from level to level until you finally hopped over the barrier sealing the fighting area in and landed in with cat-like fluidity. Even with that whole show, you still weren't able to stop your cheeks from flushing when he whistled. "Not bad for the girl that lost capture the flag." He joked, eyes smiling.

You playfully pushed him. "You took all the good cabins! How was I supposed to control those Ares kids?" "With a leader's mind and a warrior's strength, such as mine." He jokingly boasted. He wiped back the sweat from his brow, and scanned the arena making sure it was all cleared. His rare eager expression was slightly smithered when he saw Drew, but he straightened nonetheless.

"Check this out. I've been working on something... new, for Chiron." You excitedly shifted your weight from foot to foot, waiting on Jason. He looked straight ahead at a straw dummy standing in the center of the fighting rink. He exhaled, and rubbed his hands together tightly. You would have laughed at the scene if not for his deadly focus. Soon enough, bright blue and gold sparked from the friction he was creating, causing you to yelp and jump back. The sparks grew bigger and bigger, until he finally stretched his hands back to reveal a ball of lightning, sparking and jittering so much you were scared it would explode.

He drew his hands back, the ball following, and threw them out towards the dummy. The ball of electricity shot from his hands, hitting the figure square in the chest. A BOOM sounded, followed by the sound, and smell, of simmering heat. The remains of a completely broken down dummy was all that was left, still smoking and charred, a layer of electric fissure blanketing it. You stared in wide-eyed awe and furrowed eyebrows at what just happened. Jason came up behind you, hands on his hip.

"Well? What do you think?" You turned to him, eyes bright with excitement. "That. Was. Killer!" You exclaimed, the Sun slightly brightening more from your happiness, courtesy of Apollo. Jason smiled, clearly pleased with himself. "You give it a try now."
He led you back to his original position and went directly behind you. He lifted up one of your arms, as if he was a tennis instructor showing his student how to swing. "Hold it out just like this. Don't worry, it's not going to hurt unless I intend it to, which I don't. Now, just relax, and you'll feel it." Slowly, you could feel a tingly sensation coming from your interlocked arms reaching out. The same ball formed, this time much more bright and uncontrolled due to two energies, you and him, using it.

He grunted in effort. "Release!" He abruptly said. You flicked your hand out, and the ball sputtered towards the ground in front of you. "Get down!" He yelled, and pulled you under. He hugged your crouched figure, protecting you from the blast. When the smoke stopped, you coughed, and felt his warmth leaving as he stood up, dusting off his shirt. "Oh Gods, Jason, I'm sorry! I got overwhelmed and lost control." Worry was plastered all over your face. "Are you hurt?" He turned around. "Don't worry your pretty little head off. Only my shirt got singed. But you..." Despite his protecting, the electricity still found its way to an opening in his defense and sunk a hole through your shirt.

"Here." He threw a CHB sweater your way. You put it on and took in the smell of smoky wood, blushing at the thought that you're wearing his clothes. "Other than you screaming like a little girl when it exploded, I'd actually say you were pretty decent." He gave one of his rare, genuine grins. You broadly smiled. "Well, I'd like to call myself your little girl." He was slightly surprised by your boldness, but replaced it with a smirk. He strode forward and wrapped his arms around you. "Oh really, lightning girl?" "Really, blonde Superman." You buried your face into his chest.

Hey readers! So sorry I've been gone and that this one was very rushed and messy, I've been on vacation! If you liked this one shot, please give it a vote, and feel free to leave any requests in the comments! Hope you all have a fantastic summer~

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