Leo x Reader (12)

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 "Percy, what do you want?" You huffed as you pushed through the long forest leaves to get to where your brother asked you to meet him. "I was just about to go over to Leo-" Your words died as you reached the clearing of the woods. There, Percy stood leaning on a shiny car, with Jason in the shotgun and Leo and Nico in the backseat.

"Guess I saved you the trip." He grinned, patting the car. "Paul's Prius. He's letting me borrow it for a little road trip, you in?" You scanned the whole scene, and looked back at him with glowing eyes. "Hell to the yes!" You yelped, sprinting to the backseat.

Leo laughed as you trampled over him to seat in the middle seat. Nico seemed more eased with you blocking him from Leo's constant jabbering. "Buckle in, kiddos, we're going to the beach first!" You all cheered except for Nico. "Oh, chin up, grumpyface. Aren't you excited?" You prodded his pale but blushing cheeks.

"I'm only here to make sure you guys don't kill yourselves." He replied, but the slightest of a grin played on his lips. You leaned on your quite emo best friend's shoulder for comfort. "Excuse me, but why aren't you paying your beautiful boyfriend more attention?" Leo whined. You quickly kissed his nose in assurance, making sure your overprotective brother and friend didn't see. "Ugh, this is going to be a long trip."

"Five minutes to get your snacks and leave! I'm timing." Jason barked from the car as you and Percy ran into 7-11, with Nico trailing behind and Leo snoozing still. Immediately, Percy raided the frozen aisle and piled his bag with countless sodas and sugary drinks. You turned the opposite way and speed browsed the chips aisle, grabbing Hot Cheetos and Funyuns here and there. "Wow, you sure are a natural at this." Nico joked.

"No time for talking! This is serious business!" You quickly grabbed his arm and yanked him to the cash register, spilling coins and cash all over the counter. You frantically paid for all the goods just as Jason yelled from the car, "30 seconds!"

The three of you sprinted into your seats, huffing from the mess of it all. Percy quickly started up the car and sped down the highway in hopes of getting to the beach before dark. Leo slumped up. "Did I miss anything?" He yawned. "Only your crazy girlfriend in action. Good thing I was there to keep her from bouncing off the walls."

Nico said it as a joke, but you sensed your jealous boyfriend bristle. Oh boy...

Finally arriving at the beach, Jason laid down the towels and set the picnic cloth and snacks. "Go off and have fun, just be back in no more than two hours for food!" "Thanks, mom!" You yelled and ran to the waves. Percy laughed and ran after you. "She never seems to run out of energy, does she?" Nico asked, exasperated. "Not at all." Leo beamed in pride, as if you were his child.

After two hours of playing in the waves and dragging a grumpy Nico under, you all returned to Jason's picnic. Grabbing two sandwiches, you and Leo stood up. "Hey, mind if we take a quick walk? We'll be back for the bonfire." Jason nodded, but Percy silently furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion.

You and Leo shuffled through the wet sand along the water. "Leo, do you think we should tell my brother about us?" He pondered for a moment. "I've been wanting to show you off to the world for ages, (Y/N)... but don't you remember how he reacted to your last boyfriend?" Ah, Evan. The brooding bad boy that had me chasing him across empty parks and dark alleys.

You grimaced, but stopped to look him in the eyes. "You aren't Evan. You're perfect, witty little Leo, and you're the only one I love. Percy has to understand that. You're one of his best mates, after all!" He sighed. "It's as good as a time as ever, then!"

You two took your seats by the bonfire, the rest of the boys roasting marshmallows. "Back so soon?" Percy asked, eyeing you and Leo sharing the same chair. "Well, we realized we had something important to say."

All three of them put down their sticks and stared, eager to hear. Nico's eyes were the only ones that understood, and he nodded you on. You took a deep breath. "Leo and I... we've been dating. For months now." You awkwardly left it at that, waiting for Percy's reaction.

You and Leo were both bewildered when Percy grinned and starting laughing. "Sis, you really underestimate me! I've known since I introduced you two that you've fallen for him!" Soon, you all broke out into goofy smiles. "Though I'm hurt you never personally told me, I'm glad you chose Leo. He's one of the best people I've ever met, although a bit dense at times." "Hey, I'm right here! And you're one to talk..." Leo fake glared.

You laughed at the spectacle, and pecked Leo on the cheek. "To us!" You waved a burnt marshmallow on a stick in the air, and stuck it in your mouth.


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