Jason x Reader (6)

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     "Time to show me what you've got, Tide Turner." Jason Grace circled around you on the sandy and dark beach dauntingly, taunting you with his lame nickname for you. You scoffed, but couldn't help to admire his predatory prowl around you, the way his scarred lip turned upwards in a smirk when he knew you were riled up. The beach was lit up only by the late moonlight and was silent save for the sound of waves crashing on rocks.
     You rolled back your shoulders and shook Jason's coat off of your shoulders. Planting your feet firmly on the ground, you moved your hands smoothly like water and slowly brought up the waves. The tide danced before you, coiling into intricate spirals that you loved.
     You spread your hands out and parted the ocean with ease. Impressed, Jason walked through the cleared path and stood in the center, looking back and grinning at you. "Not bad, (Y/N), not bad at all..."
     You let him admire your work for a few seconds before letting the tides crash back down on him. He broke his cool composure and let out a high pitched yelp. "Nice reflexes, Grace!" You yelled, giggling at him shaking his blond hair out like a dog. He glared at you, and you widened your eyes as he ran to you. You could barely hold your hand up when his lightning fast speed was right in front of you and playfully tackled you to the soft sand.
     You squealed and squirmed up on your feet again, dusting off your legs. "Hey, don't hurt me until you've seen my full powers." He raised his eyebrows and motioned for you to go on. You turned back to the ocean and narrowed your eyes, your attention fully on the elements.

     Slowly but surely, the ocean around you grew more and more unrest, the waves becoming more choppy and big. You noticed the clouds turning gray and quiet thunder beginning, knowing that Jason was giving you power. The waves were now thrashing wildly, the lightning coming down, striking points of water. You could feel the energy now, turning the once quiet bay into a storm of godly power.
     When that most electrifying bolt struck, you let out a yell full of pent up excitement. The ocean erupted, bringing a tower of water into the sky and past the clouds. It was an ever growing spiral of water, capable of destroying entire cities. "Holy Zeus..." you heard Jason murmur behind you. Smaller zaps of lightning hit the monstrous jet of water and sparked it up, giving it electric blue currents.
     At last, you let go, and the water came all crashing down, spraying both of you guys with salty mist. You combed back your messy hair and collapsed down, panting from the amount of energy you put into this.
     Jason instantly was at your side. "Babe, that was the most epic and insane thing I have ever seen a demigod do, and I've been on a ship of six very powerful ones." He stared intensely at you with those blue eyes of his. You gave him a feeble yet arrogant grin, making him slightly chuckle. He turned serious just as quickly. "But that was also insanely dangerous... I expected you to just create your normal water illusions, but this... this is something greater than any demigod has ever conjured up."
     Now your smile turned modest, and you looked towards the ground. You coughed up salt water. "After all of that, you need to be in bed for at least a couple days." You opened your mouth to argue, wanting to practice this newfound power more, but he hushed you. "Hey, hey, don't argue. This just means you'll have more time with me!"

A month without uploading she comes back with a chapter (D+P fans will understand)... Deepest apologies for not uploading in a month! Sooo I have no idea where I was going with this one, but I also kind of dig the idea of being able to literally destroy the ocean. Anyways, if you liked this one shot, please give it a vote, and any suggestions for future one shots in the comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for reading, and see you in the next~

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