Amateur Night at Club N

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"Dammit someone, answer the door," Mirajane shouted as she stepped into the main entrance of the mansion. She grunted in annoyance as no one answered her. She supposed that she shouldn't have been surprised considering currently the residents of the home consisted of just her, Tier, Cyan, and Nel. The majority of her siblings and other women that lived in the mansion were out performing missions or busy with other tasks. Kiyomi and Mito for example were currently in Wave with Urd. While the new Eight-tails was acting as Mito's bodyguard as she impersonated Kiyomi. The genuine article was going over the Gato Shipping Company's holdings having purchased them along with the port the company had built in Wave.

The trio was also being accompanied by Karin and Fuka. Karin was going to oversee and train Fuka in running the business side of the Uzumaki Nautical Company since the ancient Uzumaki was taking over as president of the sister company. The primary reason for Fuka assuming responsibility for it was because she had some experience as a pirate. However, as she had accrued it early on in her ghoul life when she had still tried to balance her needs with remaining a decent person, she had targeted other pirate crews to rob them of their riches and their chakra. Eventually though her crew had betrayed her as they had wanted to target richer targets such as towns or noble ships and one night had slit her throat as she slept. Obviously it hadn't worked. But from the few survivors of the massacre that followed was the tale of the ghostly captain that had lured men into her crew with plans to drain them of their energy and lives. Naturally, they left out the part where they had betrayed her first. Of course, most people in Wave would never learn how she was the origin of the ghost story that some of the sailors still told each other.

While Urd, Mito, Karin, and Fuka handled the tasks of introducing the woman that would be the president of the Uzumaki Nautical Company to the people of Wave, Kiyomi planned to busy herself with studying the records of the company it was being created from. She was doing this as a favor to Ibiki, who was busy with multiple investigations already, but still was hoping to discern if there was a link between Gato and the S.I.N. Corporation which could explain their similar interests in Wave. Kiyomi could have just turned the records over to one of Ibiki's subordinates. But, she wanted to handle it herself in case she uncovered secrets that she wanted to keep even from close allies of Naruto's Harem.

Mirajane refused to call the Harem by the cutesy term the women that were a part of it used. Particularly because to her it didn't feel like a family since if anything it was putting her at odds with hers. The most recent sibling towards whom she was directing her ire naturally being Tier primarily because she had joined said Harem. What truly pissed her off about the whole affair was that to Mira it had seemed as if one moment Tier had displayed very little interest in the idea, and then the next thing she knew her sister was one of Naruto's lovers. Hearing the details added to her annoyance because it had sounded like Tier had simply thrown herself at him and he had gladly accepted.

Naturally, it pissed her off because she had also thrown herself at Naruto multiple times and he always found a way to reject her. She had stopped after a while to preserve her self-dignity, but she knew her interest hadn't abated considering how angry she was that Tier seemed to possess something which attracted the man. She had vented to Kiyomi about it, primarily as she believed her sister's goal was to unite all the Bijuu under Naruto. Considering that was a place Mira wanted to be she figured Kiyomi would provide her with some insight. Instead, her sister had simply informed her that the old her would have been more likely to attract Naruto then her current self. Having been majorly frustrated by the cryptic response she had lashed out at her sister insulting both her and her lover. Kiyomi for her part had simply sighed and shook her head before returning her attention to the book she had been reading.

Mira just didn't understand what it was her sister meant since the old her had been withdrawn and unsure of herself. This was primarily due to the form she had taken after being created, since while her siblings all had majestic and powerful looking forms. She had simply been a mass of pulsating and slimy white flesh. Even Chomei who also had been insectile in nature at least looked cool due to its armored like form. Hers by contrast had just been monstrous which Kukaku had rarely failed to taunt her over or even her other siblings on occasion when annoyed with her. As such, she had almost been overly polite and friendly. Yet still a part of her had resented having to act in such a manner so had discarded it as soon as she had assumed her new one. Mira felt that now that she had both beauty and power she shouldn't need to behave in such a manner as it was time she received the respect that she felt she was due.

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