Target: Shizune

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"You allowed your target to get away then," a man said although he wasn't really there his body appearing hazy and in an array of colors, "that is unlike you Kakuzu."

Sounding defensive the Akatsuki treasurer said, "Well if that fool Hidan hadn't of needed to lie around to pray afterwards. We would have been on our way instead of losing our target to that woman."

"Regardless this is now twice she has interfered. It would appear that we have competition for rounding up the jinchuriki. Is it possible that she is working for Konoha as they were the one to fight you and that was where our last target ended up?"

"I don't know," Kakuzu said answering Pain, "But she wasn't one of the shinobi that we fought. It's possible she stumbled on a group pursuing the jinchuriki and was forced to flee. Also the seven-tails supposedly ran to Konoha after getting away from her. Or her primary mission is just to make sure we don't get our hands on them. Since our information said the two-tails was returning from a sabotage mission against Konoha she may have been lying in wait to warn our target of the threat."

"Perhaps, or the information we received wasn't as exclusive as we were led to believe," Pain said. "It may be that Hotsprings Village is selling its services to all sides in this conflict."

"I doubt that," a large man with spiky hair said and although just as hazy Kakuzu could make out the bandaged sword on his back, "Hidan's former village is nothing but a tourist trap with a penchant for getting secrets from their VIP visitors. They'd have to be suicidal to play us off against each other."

"Don't underestimate what greedy fools will do Kisame," Kakuzu said having met his fair share of such people in his long life. "Should I pay their Daimyo a visit?"

"No, this calls for more subtle methods," Pain said looking towards the lone female of the organization. "Konan, I want you to head to Hotsprings Village and observe the leaders there. If we are lucky we'll learn just who this mysterious red-head who is interfering with our collection of the jinchuriki is working for."

Konan remained silent nodding her head before disappearing from the cavern that Kakuzu was conferring with the rest of the group from. As she did so the ancient bounty hunter felt a pang of annoyance since it had been years since he'd gotten a good rubdown from the talented ex-kunoichi of Hotsprings village.


Yugito had her head resting on Naruto's shoulder looking over Tayuya's bingo book with him. It had been three days since her surrender, and much as he promised he had explored almost every nook and cranny of her body. Although she had put the brakes on when he asked her if it was okay to penetrate her backdoor due to her not being entirely comfortable with the idea, she was willing to admit that she was thinking about giving it a try.

Still except for the few occasions when one or the other would run to get some food or to relieve themselves. They had spent most of the days in the bed. But sadly their time was coming to an end. Kumo patrols were both discreetly and not so discreetly searching for her now and although they needed to keep a low profile while they were operating in a foreign country. Chances were sooner or later those searching for her would stumble upon the safe house slash summer home.

Therefore despite still being naked, the two jinchuriki were looking over the bingo book so Yugito could tell him some of what she knew about those it contained. Still despite their trying to get something done it was proving difficult due to the bobbing head of red hair in Naruto's lap. Trying to remained focused despite Tayuya's insistent sucking Naruto said, "So she's the reason getting documents to enter Kumo is so difficult."

Yugito nodded but noticing something wrong about the dark skinned woman's entry in the bingo book said, "Yes, but her name isn't Rio but Mabui."

Looking at the picture of the Raikage's assistant Naruto shrugged saying, "I'm sure that somebody came up with the name so that they didn't have to keep calling her Raikage's assistant all the time."

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