Target: Komachi

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Maki came to atop the blond jinchuriki feeling warm on the inside while the night air cooled her sweat covered body. It was quite an enjoyable feeling for the woman as she tried to recall the last time she had cum so hard. As the fog cleared from her mind she recalled what she had attempted to do so was surprised that the blond beneath her was relaxing as well as if she hadn't just tried to kill him. Finding his calm suspect she asked, "You knew didn't you?" She didn't move her head which was resting next to his, as she was afraid to face him. Instead, she tried to feel his heart beat with her hands which were pressed between their bodies.

Naruto who was focusing on Yuugao's state of emotions which he felt through her seal could tell she was fighting. He had considered using his ability to "look" in on her via her Fox Mark, but considering Maki had planned to kill him felt it best not to split his focus. Answering honestly he said, "That you planned to kill me. No...afraid I didn't see that coming. I just figured you were trying to discredit me by painting me as a scoundrel who would sleep around behind his girlfriend's back. When my mom had told me you spiked my ramen with a love drug I thought that was your plan."

"What!" Maki said lifting her head to meet the jinchuriki's due to her confusion.

"It's a long story," Naruto said, "Let's just say me and my Bijuu have a close relationship."

Maki nodded wondering if Naruto might be a little demented like Gaara had been back during his Genin days since the Suna jinchuriki had often spoken about his Bijuu like it was his mother. It must have shown on her face as he chuckled while saying, "I'm not crazy."

"But you weren't afraid I'd kill you," Maki said her tone dripping with the disgust she felt towards herself at the moment.

"No, you don't have the eyes of a cold-blooded killer," Naruto said gently.

Maki looked away but said, "Don't kid yourself; I could have easily done it."

"Perhaps, but you didn't. Besides if it makes you feel any better you're the one that has ended up being trapped and if you had gone through with it I still wouldn't have been in any danger."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Hold that thought," Naruto said before disappearing in a red flash.

Maki fell forward on the bed and sat up in confusion as to what had just happed. Not to mention she let out a small whimper due to the sudden feeling of loss Naruto's disappearance had left her with since his still hard cock that had been inside her was suddenly gone. Wondering if she had been trapped in a genjutsu, she was about to dispel it until she looked out the window of his apartment to see the naked blond was on the roof across the street where two Anbu were currently fighting.


Yuugao staggered back a few steps due to the kick she had received from her opponent. The Anbu Captain pulled her sword to deflect several senbon that Komachi attempted to hit her with. Although the two had been fighting for several moments it was highly unlikely anyone would be disturbing them due to the fact both were fighting with their chakra barely making a ripple which could be detected. This was due to how both were trained, since Anbu were meant to remain unseen and unlike the normal shinobi forces tended to stay away from the flashy jutsu that would lead to detection. Naturally it depended on the situation and Yuugao knew that Komachi at the very least was no doubt questioning why she was trying as hard not to be detected.

Komachi prepared for Yuugao's attack now that her senbon were deflected. However a second latter she tensed as a flash of light appeared behind her. Turning, the last thing she expected to see was the jinchuriki standing completely in the nude. It provided him an opening to end the fight by slamming his fist into her stomach. Komachi folded around the blow before falling to the ground.

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