Target: Kin

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Nibi strolled up to the two chunin on duty at the main gate of Konoha Village. "State your business," the bored looking chunin on duty said eyeing the woman who was using her scarf as a mask to conceal her face and hair.

"I was hired as a bodyguard to one of your civilians," she began to say, however she got about half-way through her sentence when several Anbu, who were stationed at the gate in case of sever trouble, appeared around her.

"Come with us," a hawk masked man said as his subordinates reached for their blades.

Sighing Nibi threw up her hands saying, "I guess I should have expected this kind of welcoming party." The hawk masked Anbu closed the gap between them and roughly ripped her scarf from her face, "Hey now, we're all on the same side here."

"I think we'll leave that to the Head of the Interrogation Department to decide," the Anbu replied.

Smirking she said, "I figured you might."

Being escorted through the village, Nibi was taken to the Torture and Interrogation Headquarters where she was pushed into a small room with only a table that was bolted to the floor and two chairs as decoration. Sitting in one of them, Nibi knew she was probably in for a waiting game so threw her feet onto the table and leaned back. Yawning she closed her eyes and prepared to take a nap. Roughly five minutes later the door to the room opened as a scarred and sour looking man stepped in. As she opened her eyes, she figured that due to her relaxed demeanor her interrogator had decided to get down to business instead of playing mind games.

Introducing himself, Ibiki tossed a folder onto the table whose contents spilled out before coming to a rest near her feet. Dropping her feet back to the floor she leaned forward in interest spinning one of the papers so she could look at it. Seeing that it was one of the documents Kyuubi had given her minus the ones she had burned after memorizing them which had contained her fabricated backstory. Giving the head interrogator a smile she said, "I'm going to need these back when you're done with them."

Scoffing as he sat across from her the man replied, "That's if you aren't occupying a cell when we're finished here."

Aware that he was expecting some outburst, Nibi decided to play it cool leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms across her chest said calmly, "Really, I didn't know saving ones client from assassins came with a prison sentence in this village."

"No, but sneaking in does, or are you going to deny those false documents you were carrying when you returned to the village are yours?"

Leaning forward and shifting through the papers Nibi came across the forged civilian travel pass that had been among the papers Kyuubi had given her. Nibi smirked as she gave a mental pat on the back to Kyuubi. Not only had her fellow Bijuu taken the steps necessary to get Nanabi into the prison, but she had also prepared in advance for Nibi's return to Konoha. One of those preparations had been to make sure there was a log at the main gate from when she had supposedly first been hired on as a bodyguard and had thus snuck into the village using the false papers sitting in front of her. Nibi didn't know where she had gotten the false documents from or if Kyuubi had been the one to check in using them. But, it was just one of the details that would lead Ibiki to believe Nibi had been in the village longer than she actually had. Looking up from the false paperwork she said, "Nope those are mine. I bought them from a forger in Lightening Country."

"Who," Ibiki said leaning forward.

Giving the name of the forger that Kyuubi had provided, unaware that it was the same one that Tayuya had used when she had tried to infiltrate Kumo, Nibi sat back in her chair waiting for the Ibiki's next question.

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