Why Me?

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Yoruichi smiled as she neared the front gate of Kyuubi's mansion. The reason for her amusement was because she could feel the men watching her tense in preparation for what they expected to happen as soon as she cleared the gate. Leaping over the barrier, she landed nimbly on the other side then got into a runner's starting pose. The men watching her gave up the pretense of watching from the shadows as they tried to predict which direction she was going to take off in. With a burst of speed she blew past the ring of shinobi that Ibiki had watching the mansion. Making a leap to a nearby roof she could see the men she had left behind doing the same as they tried to catch up.

"Aw, too bad," she said to no one in particular since she wanted to at least make a chase of things before putting her plan into action.

"What is?" a voice said next to her.

Yoruichi's head whipped around to face the speaker and to say she was surprised at what greeted her would have been an understatement. "Who the hell are you?" she asked astonished that he was able to keep up with her

"I'm the Handsome Devil of the Leaf Village! My name is Rock Lee."

She smirked at the young man's exuberance and was glad it appeared that Ibiki was calling out the big guns in order to rein her in as she spotted several other groups tracking her from different parts of the Village. "Well try to keep up," she said suddenly increasing her speed.

"Yosh," the chunin replied doubling his effort as well.

Running along the rooftops she hoped her plan to get Ibiki to call off his watchers worked as for the past week she had been routinely leading them on wild goose chases. She hadn't planned to at first but as the weeks since her entering the village had dragged on she had taken to running to pass the time. Naturally, one of the shinobi assigned to keeping tabs on her and Kyuubi had tagged along. As the man had followed her, Yoruichi had grown more and more annoyed in part since she had proven herself to be a first class kunoichi but the idiot tailing her was doing so as if she was a rank amateur. As a result she had slowly increased her pace until the man behind her had been running full out just to keep in sight of her. By the time she had reached the gate the idea that she would force Ibiki to call off his men by showing him the futility of watching her had firmly taken root inside her head.

Seeing the chunin begin to fall back slightly as she pushed herself to go faster she called back, "Don't tell me that's it. I've barely broken a sweat."

Lee reached into the orange leggings around his lower legs and pulled out the weights he kept there. Yoruichi was surprised at the craters they created where they landed and as he began to close the distance with her, she focused forward since at the speed she was running inattention could lead to a rather embarrassing moment. Reaching the edge of the village, she leapt from the last building and landed on the wall surrounding it. Running across it horizontally, she noticed Lee landing behind her so decided to see who could run the perimeter of the village the fastest.


Kyuubi looked out the third story window of her home and sighed as she saw Ibiki with several of his men storming up to her front door. Making her way to it, she decided to see about getting some help since by the time she got down there he was banging on her door impatiently. Opening it, she said, "This is a surprise. You should have told me you were coming I could have prepared..."

"Save it," the man said pushing his way inside, "What exactly are the two of you up too?"

"I'm afraid I have no idea about what you are talking about," Kyuubi replied stiffly fighting down her annoyance at the man's demeanor.

"You're claiming to have no idea as to why your bodyguard is currently leading my people on a chase through the village."

"I don't know what she's doing that for," Kyuubi replied her irritation showing through now. "She's always been rather headstong. Perhaps she's letting you know how annoying it is to be constantly watched."

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