Blast from the past: Guren

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Kiyomi choose to appear on the teleporter seal located in one of the rooms that made up the Den. Although she could have appeared in the Master Bedroom she didn't think her appearance would go unnoticed, and while she didn't plan for it to remain so long, she did wish to take stock of the situation. The reason for her returned stemmed from the news Rangiku had shared upon her return to Tanzaku Town. Mito Uzumaki had been restored to the world of the living. The Ancient Bijuu wasn't sure how she felt about that news considering their past history.

Kiyomi would admit to being a little surprised that the news of Mito's return hadn't created greater rumblings of anger among the Bijuu. In hindsight she supposed she shouldn't have been at least when it came to Yoruichi and even Seven. It was apparent that Yoruichi had come to believe that Naruto was the one that would make all the Bijuu one again. At least in the sense that they shared a similar purpose, and like a true believer saw her being captured and eventually the Bijuu of a jinchuriki as the necessary steps to place her at his side. Seven, although perhaps not as reverent in her belief had taken a big picture approach and also understand that if she hadn't been sealed her world view would have remained limited. Nel obviously wouldn't have a strong opinion on the matter either way due to her not remembering anything before becoming human and Urd, obviously had never been sealed in a Jinchuriki.

Tier though had surprised her by barely batting an eye upon the news being delivered by Rangiku. In truth, the three females that had pledged themselves to her blonde sister had been far more upset on their master's behalf. Kiyomi wasn't sure if Tier simply didn't care or with her more reflective personality was inclined to wait and see how Mito reacted upon learning the Bijuu she once helped capture were free. Mira on the other hand was not overly pleased to learn that the woman responsible for her becoming the Bijuu of several jinchuriki was alive, but apparently didn't feel too strongly about it one way or another. Most likely as it would take away from her enjoyment of her new form.

In truth the only one that had been ready to storm Konoha to attack the Uzumaki kunoichi had been Kukaku. Kiyomi hadn't been all that surprised considering that the Four-Tails pride as a Bijuu had rivaled her own. She imagined that the idea of being captured and sealed by a human had almost rankled Kukaku as it had her when she had been sealed in the Uzumaki. Yet before Kukaku could take a single step she had found her path barred by Yoruichi and Rangiku. Kiyomi hadn't been surprised by Yoruichi's reaction since although Kukaku and she had never been on the best of terms. Their relationship had definitely taken a massive hit as a result of Kukaku's decision that she would rather experience pleasure in the arms of other men then Naruto. Considering the two-tails belief that Naruto was the one they were meant to be with and his encouragement of her desire to free her fellow Bijuu. Yoruichi saw her sibling's promiscuous behavior as a slap in the face and as a result would likely argue with Kukaku even if she said water was wet. Yet, Kiyomi had been surprised by Rangiku's stepping up to defend the Uzumaki as well. But it had turned out the two had become drinking buddies during her stay in Konoha. The Bijuu who wore Mito's face noted that this fact had seemed to make Tier more inclined to let bygones be bygones.

In the end, Kiyomi had made it clear that she wouldn't tolerate any attack against Mito, and although she doubted Kukaku cared what she thought on the matter. She did recognize that she was out numbered on that matter so let it drop. But she had then stormed of likely to find someone to keep her company for the night so she didn't need to return to the room Kiyomi had rented.

With the matter seemingly settled Kiyomi had tried to carry on as if she didn't care about Mito's revival, but couldn't forget a great deal of the anger she carried for the woman. She had been unable to rest so shortly as the sun began to rise had decided to pay the woman a visit. Yet first she had wanted to look in on her lover.

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